10 types of harmful virus | 10 types of viruses that threaten your health

10 types of viruses that threaten your health, how strong is your immune system to fight off these viruses attack?

Did you know that we live in a world of pathogen ?

However we keep the environment clean house or dwelling, it still face the attack of pathogens. We can not avoid pathogens but we can fight.
Pathogens are biological agents that cause disease in their hosts and other designations of pathogenic microorganisms disease. Pathogens can be divided into five parts, namely viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and worms. The virus is a microscopic parasite that infects or particularly delicate cells of biological organisms. Viruses can only reproduce in living organisms, or in other words, the virus can not survive outside living organisms. viruses require other living things as "lift" to live and breed. There are so many other types of viruses that infect humans and threaten human life. The following 10 types of viruses harmful to human life :

1. Human Immunodeficiency Viruses ( HIV )

HIV is a virus that attacks the defense system (immune humans). These viruses lead to the emergence of AIDS. Patients who are infected or infected with this virus characterized by declining CD4, CD3, CD8 and so on. Mode of transmission of this virus is through blood transfusion, breast milk, sexual relations and syringe. The types of the HIV virus itself consists of 2 kinds, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2. To find out whether someone has been infected by HIV AIDS can perform PCR test, HIV antibody testing, HIV antigen test. Someone who has been at risk for this virus should immediately conduct examinations, because the treatment as early as possible, the better because the damage is not severe immune.

2.  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV )

More than 95% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV, the virus infection is characterized by the emergence of giant warts can be like cauliflower. In general, the immune system will clear HPV virus, but if the immune system is weakened and can not kill the virus so that the virus evolve and cause disease in the body. HPV virus can strike men and women and cause diseases of the reproductive system of women and men. The virus is transmitted through sexual contact. Maintain a strong immune system is essential to prevent this virus develops in the body and eradicate this virus before it develops in the body. To find out whether someone is infected with this strain is a Pap test (Pap smear).

3. Hepatitis Viruses

Hepatitis is a virus that attacks the liver or liver. There are five types of hepatitis virus, namely :

√ Hepatitis A (HVA)

The virus is easily transmitted because it can be transmitted through water and food. Infections that occur because the virus is relatively mild, this virus infections in general can be recovered because it does not cause damage to the liver tissue or in other words the patient can be cured. Prevention of transmission of the virus can be done by maintaining personal hygiene, living environment, the cleanliness of food and drinks daily. To find out whether it has been infected with this virus doctor will perform examinations or tests IgM anti -HAV.

√ Hepatitis B (HVB)

The spread of the virus is not as easy as hepatitis A virus transmission. Transmission can be through blood, semen, other bodily fluids, use a syringe of patients with hepatitis, sexually. Even healthy people who carry the hepatitis B virus can pass the virus to others. Pregnant women who carry or have hepatitis can also transmit the virus to their babies. This viral infection is quite dangerous because it can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis if not treated seriously in the early stages of infection. Many people with hepatitis were cured in a short time and experiencing immunity, yet some are eventually develop into cirrhosis and liver cancer. Examination of these infections can be done with the test HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc, anti-HBc IgM, anti-HBS. Keeping the immune system and do a proper and early treatment is the best course of action for someone who is already infected with this virus. Grievances felt by someone who has been infected by this virus is usually limp, joint pain, vomiting, easy fatigue, loss of appetite, yellow skin, urinating dark brown. If you experience these symptoms immediately visit your doctor for a check. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress is one way to strengthen the immune system.

√ Virus hepatitis C (HVC)

The virus that attacks the liver. A strong immune system will help the patient fight against this type of virus is usually transmitted through blood, syringes, the use of medical devices that are not sterile. Chronic infection of the disease can result in cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, swelling of blood vessels that can lead to death. More than 80% of hepatitis C cases develop into liver cirrhosis (hardening of the liver) and liver cancer. Until now there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. Common symptoms experienced by patients with hepatitis C is easily tired, fatigue, nausea, pain in the lower stomach, decreased appetite and yellowing of the skin or eyes.
• A blood test is the only way to know whether it has been infected with hepatitis C virus.

√ Virus Hepatitis D

The virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood and from a pregnant mother to her fetus. Symptoms experienced by people with hepatitis D is usually fever, jaundice, dark colored urine, fases blackish red and swelling of the liver. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

√ Virus hepatitis E

The virus that attacks the liver of this type typically transmitted through food and drink, easy to expand the environment is not clean or has poor sanitation. Symptoms that arise for people who have a virus such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, dark colored urine, yellowish tint to the eyes and skin. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

4. Bird Viruses (H5N1)

This virus is a virus that commonly infects birds and mammals, is familiar with the term virus H5N1. The virus can be transmitted through the air, food or drink or touch. This virus dies with high temperatures such as cooked, therefore eggs, meat or cooked with mature animals will avoid the transmission of this virus. Another form of the virus is H7N9, several people died in China because of this virus. The virus is very dangerous because thousands of people have died after being infected with this virus. Maintain environmental hygiene, food and drink is important to avoid transmission of the virus. Symptoms experienced by people infected with this virus are high fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, headache, no appetite, joint pain, abdominal pain. Infection that spreads to the lungs can cause lung inflammation causing difficulty breathing. Patients should be treated intensively in the hospital if you already have an infection of this malicious virus.

5. Dengue Fever viruses (dengue virus)

People who are infected with the virus can lead to acute infection, the virus gets into the human bloodstream through the bite of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Symptoms that occur in people infected with this virus are high fever, rash, red rash, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, pain in the bones and bones, nausea and vomiting.
If you experience these symptoms call your doctor and do the inspection, because the handling of late can be life threatening. Keeping the environment which could become home to a mosquito is like draining the bath once a week, replace the vase water once a week, sealed penampuangan water, burying cans, old tires or containers that could be a water reservoir. Doing fogging is one way to kill the mosquitoes mature.

6. Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2.

The virus is attacking the eyes, face, throat and genitals.
~ Herpes ( simplex 1) virus attacks the eyes, face and throat. Usually characterized by pain in the mouth, throat, swollen neck glands and a high body temperature. Transmission of this virus because the direct contact with the skin by patients and pregnant mother to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth.
~ While herpes (simplex 2) strike any sex that transmitted through sexual intercourse. Usually characterized by painful red lesions that spread over a wide area. If you experience symptoms such as herpes, immediately contact your doctor. People who have been infected with this virus can not be completely cured, because the virus can only be put to sleep and a time can be active again if the immune system is weakened or there are other factors that can trigger. So it is very important for people to keep the immune system stay strong so that the virus is not active again.

7. Rubella Viruses.

The rubella virus is a virus that attacks humans that causes measles. This virus can strike children and adults. Infection because the virus is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin. The virus can be transmitted through the sputum of patients who fit into a healthy person's body through the air. The virus also can be transmitted through body fluids such as sweat. If a person's immune system is strong, then the virus will die. However, if the immune system is weak, then the virus will develop in the body. People who are infected with rubella virus usually experience prolonged fever but not high body temperature, flu, headaches, fatigue, nausea, weakness, muscle pain and the appearance of red blotches on the skin. If a pregnant woman is infected with this virus, it can result in defects or fetal abnormalities. Therefore, pregnant women need to maintain a strong immune system, due to a strong immune system would kill the virus.

8. Polio Viruses.

This virus has been known since the late 18th century, perhaps since the days of ancient Egypt. This virus is the cause of the disease poliomyelitis and virus is spread through food or water contaminated by feces. Usually if one family member is infected, then the other family members will also be infected. People who are infected with this virus will experience muscle weakness and lead to paralysis. This virus can affect anyone, such as parents, adults and children, do not know the age. Most cases of this virus in children aged 3 to 5 years. Toddler time vaccine will be very helpful when as an adult. Infections in the adult would be more dangerous than childhood. Symptoms commonly felt for people infected with polio virus are fever, painful joints, bones and muscles, weaknesses, muscle cramps, interference with daily activities such as walking, body movements and respiratory disorders. If you experience such symptoms immediately contact a doctor.

9. Influenza Viruses

The influenza virus is a virus that causes the flu, the virus is highly contagious and is transmitted through the air by coughing or sneezing. This virus attacks the respiratory virus that infected person is having difficulty breathing. Symptoms are felt for someone who is infected with this virus is a cold, fever, dry cough to cough with phlegm, throat itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose, and red, and the body feels sore or discomfort in general. Sometimes it can appear symptoms of nausea and vomiting, especially in children. If someone good immunity, the influenza virus will die attacked by the immune system. But if the immune system is weak, then the influenza virus will develop in the body. Children are more susceptible to this virus than adults. Therefore maintain immunity is critical to maintaining our health from this virus attack. The influenza virus can also be transmitted through hand contact with the affected person of influenza. The virus can enter the body by touch of the hand to the eyes and mouth, therefore it is very important to wash hands before consuming food.

10. Chicken Pox Viruses.

Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus. Like symptoms of infection are generally in early summer infections, fever, runny nose, feel tired, lethargic and weak. The incubation period is 2 to 3 weeks. Then came the minor redness or rash blisters on the face, neck and then spread throughout the body. If you experience these symptoms call your doctor immediately. The virus is spread rapidly through the air, can be from sneezing and coughing of the patient or direct skin contact with an infected. Chickenpox is more common in children than adults. For people whose immune systems are strong rare complications. Once infected, the immune system will produce antibodies for the defense in the future, so if there is a next attack the virus directly attacked and defeated by the immune system.
√ Rare infection a second time for everyone. For children who are weak imunnnya system could experience complications due to their habit of scratching scars, redness and tenderness because some bacterial infections, ear infections, infections of the brain and so on. To maintain a strong immune system is essential to combat this virus attacks, to avoid complications to other diseases.

How can we face or against the types of virus above ?

There are some things we can do to protect our body against the types of virus as follows :

√ Keeping the environment such as house and yard, the workplace and work environment.
√ Avoid contact with the source of infection or transmission source.
√ Wash hands before eating.
√ Strengthening the immune system as a bastion for the types of virus that had already entered into the body.

Opponents of the virus through the immune system or defense system or immune system is the body in charge of protecting us from these kinds of viral infections. If our immune system is strong, most of the viruses that enter the body can be immediately destroyed or killed or neutralized. It is therefore important for healthy people and people who are already infected to maintain immunity.

Thus our explanation about the 10 types of harmful virus.

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