Date palm | Benefits of a date for pregnant women

Some experts have conducted research about the benefits of dates for pregnant women. Results from these studies are pregnant women who regularly eat a certain number of dates in reducing the need for induction to birth.
100 grams of dates, you can get about 280 kcal of energy, 2:45 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. Aside from being a source of potassium for the body, dates also contain other important nutrients, such as magnesium, copper, and manganese.
Eating a date with the contents is believed to provide a variety of benefits, one of which is suspected to help establish a healthy pregnancy to help reduce nausea, control blood sugar and prevent anemia. Unfortunately, research on this has not been done.

A study has been conducted to study the benefits of dates related to the delivery process. This research was conducted only on 69 pregnant women were given six palm fruit every day for four weeks before the estimated date of birth.

The findings obtained from these studies, among others :

- Opening process faster

In the process of labor, the uterus is dilated or opening. The opening of the uterus takes place from the opening until the full opening (width 10 cm). This stage consists of two phases:

Latent phase

In general, it takes 8 hours for undergoing a process of opening the cervix from 1 to 3 cm.

The active phase

In general, it takes 6 hours for undergoing a process of opening the cervix up to 10 cm (complete). In the study mentioned above, a group of pregnant women who consume palm fruit at the end of her pregnancy, her latent phase is faster than the group of pregnant women who are not eating dates. In this study also found that eating dates mothers group has experienced a more progressive opening up to the hospital.

- Amniotic not easily broken

Is a fluid-filled amniotic membranes that envelop the entire body of the baby in the womb. When a baby is born, the membranes would rupture. However, there is also the possibility that where the membranes have ruptured before a baby is born. Membranes ruptured prematurely could invite a number of complications, such as infection and inflammation of the amnion. In the study mentioned above, a group of pregnant women who regularly consumed a date in the last weeks before delivery, more has not ruptured membranes before labor when compared with a group of pregnant women who are not eating dates.

- Figures higher normal delivery

In the study, 96 percent of a group of pregnant women who eat dates, experiencing normal delivery. While pregnant women who do not take a date on a regular basis, normal birth only reaches 79 percent.

- Lower oxytocin needs

Oxytocin is a hormone that serves to stimulate uterine contractions to facilitate the birth process. At the time of delivery, such as the latent phase that lasts elongated, oxytocin injections may be required to induce uterine contractions. In the study mentioned above, a group of pregnant women who regularly consumed a date at the end of pregnancy requires the use of oxytocin which is lower than the group who did not regularly consume dates. Keep in mind that the research is only done on 69 people. Further research will be needed to test larger samples to obtain stronger evidence that eating dates can provide the effects already described above. Given the possibility of no bad thing arising from the benefits of dates, please if you want to try eating dates a few weeks before the date of delivery.

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