Fruit as a Source of Natural Fibers

Source of Natural Fibers

Fiber food that you usually find in the staple food, was also able to have with the fruits. In fact, dietary fiber in fruit is much higher. Actually, the human body can not absorb dietary fiber, therefore, the fiber has no nutritional value. However, the presence of fiber is very large effect on human health, especially for the health of the human digestive system. The process of absorption in the small intestine and in part or in whole process of fermentation in the human colon will go more smoothly with the help of fiber. Foods that do not contain fiber will usually be difficult for the body to digest. Every adult human body requires at least 25 grams of fiber for women and 28 grams for men on a daily basis.

Types of Fibers

Fiber is generally divided into two, namely water-insoluble fiber or insoluble fiber and its opposite, or soluble fiber.

Water-insoluble fiber is more focused on the function of the digestive system clean lines that help to expedite excretion of defecation. This is due to the nature of the fiber is not soluble in water so it will be carried on in the digestion process until the colon. Foods that have this type of fiber are whole grains, leafy greens, whole grains, and some fruits such as papaya, tomato, and avocado.

While soluble fiber will make you full faster because every time you eat foods that contain soluble fiber, then the stomach will automatically form a gel as a form of fiber reaction with water. Then, when the gel has met the stomach, the stomach sends a signal that the body has a kind of satiety to the brain. The soluble fiber in water is very good for those who are undergoing a healthy diet because fiber type is not easy to make your stomach quickly hungry. You can get this water-soluble fiber in the stem of green plants, broccoli, almonds, oatmeal, carrots, and some types of fruits such as bananas, apples, berries, and pears.

Natural Fiber source

Of the many types of food, it turns out fruits have fiber content is more complex, both types of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Fruits with high fiber content is also highly recommended for those who are on a diet program. In addition to the goodness of fiber, vitamins and other good of your body can also get easily. Here are some examples of fruit with good fiber content :

Papaya fruit
Papaya has a kind of water-insoluble fiber. Fiber content contained at 1.3 grams per 100 grams of papaya. Therefore, the papaya is very good to help expedite the process of disposal of the remains of the body's metabolism and beneficial to prevent constipation. In addition to fiber, papaya contain substances other well, among others : various vitamins such as; vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, carbohydrates, magnesium, calcium, potassium and enzymes papain. Papain enzyme is an enzyme that works to break down protein foods into useful amino acid compounds to prevent the possibility of the formation of undesirable substances as a result of the digestion process is less than perfect.

√ Fruit Berry
Various types of berries is the best source of natural fiber, particularly soluble fiber types. Raspberry, elderberry, blackberry too, giving 8- 10 grams of fiber per one cup presentation. The most high-fiber source of the berries are raspberries that have fiber content of more than 8 grams per one cup, while a cup of blackberries provide 7 grams of fiber. In addition to the goodness of fiber, fruits, berries have a low caloric, good for those who have problems with weight.

√ Avocado
Avocado is one example of the fruits that contain insoluble fiber types. Avocado is a fruit that has the highest fiber content among other types of fruit. Only with two tablespoons of avocado, you will get the fiber content of 2 grams, and 10 grams of fiber each whole meat of the avocado. It also contains many vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids that can lower bad cholesterol and the risk of other serious illnesses, such as coronary heart disease. Vitamin A, protein, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are other good substances avocado.

√ Apple
Apples contain a type of fiber that can be dissolved in water, potassium and organic acids. The soluble fiber which is owned apple pectin is often referred to. Pectin not only can be found in the flesh, but also skin. For it is better to wash the apple and eat it along with the skin also. Pectin is beneficial in absorbing excess water in the digestive tract and then formed as a bulk-forming fiber that serves to normalize stool transit through the intestinal tract. Every single item of normal size apple contains fiber content of 4.4 grams. Besides the good of the fiber, apple has many other benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and normalize blood pressure.

√ Pear
As well as apples, pears better consumed with no peeling skin. One regular-sized pear contains fiber grading 5.5 grams. Fibers contained pear, including the type of soluble fiber. Highly recommended for those who are on a diet, because pears can make you feel full faster. Eating unripe pears or green pears better than pears are ripe. This is due to the green pears contain more fiber and other good substances such as vitamin C, pectin, magnesium and potassium.

Read also ; "10 Benefits of potatoes for health" .

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