How to sleep soundly - Health Sciences

A quick way to sleep soundly

Tips and how to be able to fall asleep quickly and soundly :

➜ Keeping the right room temperature.

The beds were cool and dark will help you to fall asleep faster and sleep better. Wearing a blanket is one way to maintain body warmth. If you suffer from hot flashes or night sweats, there are things you can do to keep the body feeling cold. Cooling mattress pad can keep the body temperature down and pull perspiration from the skin.

➜ Turning off all lights and appliances.

Darkened room will make the brain think that it is time to sleep, so it releases hormones that induce drowsiness. If the room is too bright and staring at the television screen could delay the release of this hormone, and can prevent falling asleep. To overcome this, keep your bedroom as dark as you possibly can and turn off all electronics at least one hour before bedtime. Avoid placing the clock audible and visible, as this will add to the anxiety if you're a hard bed and staring at the clock already dawn.

➜ Using pillows and a comfortable mattress.

The beds were uncomfortable can membuiat you have trouble falling asleep. Think to replace pillows, mattresses and even your sheets with a new, more soft and comfortable. Wash your sheets and pillows or mattresses drying on a regular basis, as this will keep a sense of comfort when lying down.

➜ Using the scent of essential oils.

Something like the smell of essential oils can help relax your body and mind. According to some studies, the essential oil of lavender is the first to encourage restful sleep. Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on a cloth and under your pillowcase. You can also dilute a few drops of oil into the water, and place it in a diffuser in your bedroom. Bergamot essential oil, marjoram, sandalwood and geranium are other aromatherapy oils to choose.

➜ The bedrooms are non-noisy.

Noise is certainly very disturbing to fall asleep. Do your best to keep your bedroom quiet and peaceful as possible, by closing doors and windows or ask the housemates to turn down the television.

➜ Hot bath.

Soaking in warm water before going to bed is one of the methods that have been tested to make asleep faster. The first, because the bath helps reduce stress and help clear the mind. And the second, a hot bath will raise your body temperature, and then falls rapidly when finished. This will trigger the body to release hormones that cools when it's time to sleep. Soak for 20 minutes into the warm water, if necessary, can add oils like lavender and chamomile.

➜ Eat snacks and warm drinks.

Despite eating a heavy meal before bed is not a good thing, but a hungry stomach can prevent falling asleep at night. So try to avoid stomach when hungry to bed. Snack before bed, like a piece of fruit or low-fat yogurt is a perfect meal. Or you can drink a glass of warm milk containing the hormone melatonin, which induces sleep. Every small meals that contain complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread or cereal, either because it will increase your level in your body tryptophin. Tryptopin is a chemical that encourages the brain to produce more serotonin, the happy hormone, which induces a relaxing sleep. Some snack before bedtime to consider are of the type of nuts or seeds (especially pumpkin seeds), whole wheat bread or biscuits with a little cheese, or cereal and warm milk. Avoid foods that are very greasy or spicy.

➜ Wear comfortable pajamas.

Comfortable to wear pajamas in bed is important to be able to fall asleep quickly, so wearing comfortable pajamas also very important. Avoid pajamas that are too tight, made of materials that are not comfortable, or have buttons that will block while you sleep. Select pajamas are loose and soft, which is not too hot or too cold.

➜ Do some stretching.

Doing simple stretching before bed can help release tension in the muscles and makes the body feel relaxed to sleep. In fact, a study conducted by the Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that women who stretches the upper body and lower for 15 to 30 minutes before going to bed, sleep problems decreased by 30%. Try lying on your back in bed or on the floor, and bending your right leg as if trying to touch your knees to your chin. You should feel the stretch in the hamstring and lower back. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, then repeat with the other leg. Sit in a cross-legged position, place your right hand on the floor next to you and lift your left hand above the ears. Tilt the body to the right, shoulders down on the floor, hold for 10 to 15 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

➜ Reading and writing or playing games before bed.

Reading, writing and simple game play can help you to relax before going to bed, by way of releasing stress and distract you from other mind-thoughts. If you choose to read, do not read anything too exciting or scary. Some people find that keeping a journal is very therapeutic, as it helps them to remove the problem of the mind.

➜ Daydream.

Think of something soothing or pleasant in the mind can be a great way to distract you. Think of the sea, rainbow, an island, or anything that can make you feel happy and peaceful. A more elaborate version of this is to think of a scenario or imagined activities you prefer. Imagine yourself as a superhero or a celebrity, or think about playing in a room together with animals you prefer.

➜ Listen to music or voice.

Music or sound recordings that peace can be very effective to let your mind wander and fall asleep. Some people are listening to the sound of rain, the sound like a forest, soft classical music, can help to fall asleep.

➜ Reduce intake of caffeine.

If you are having problems with sleep continuously, it may be time to reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can survive in the body for up to five hours after consumption, so it is best to drink coffee to last about an hour lunchtime.

➜ Supplements.

There are several types of supplements are available as drugs and foods that can help increase the hormones that regulate sleep is melotonin.

➜ Exercise regularly.

Exercise or exercise done as much as 3 to 4 times a week can help to easily fall asleep, as well as significantly improve the quality of your sleep. Try sports such as aerobics, walking, swimming or cycling, as well as many health benefits. Exercise in the morning, if possible three hours before bedtime.

➜ Massage Vein.

Stiff muscles due to physical exercise performed every day can make the body stiff and could eventually make it difficult to fall asleep. Try to visit a massage therapist to stretch your muscles, so that the body is more relaxed and easier to fall asleep.

➜ Set the sleep schedule.

Setting up a schedule of well-defined sleep can actually help to regulate your sleep patterns. Try to get up and go to bed at the same time every day, at least on weekdays. Over time, this will allow your body clock naturally recognize when it's time to go to sleep, thus helping you to fall asleep faster.

➜ Visit doctor.

If some tips on ways to quickly fall asleep no help, and you are afraid of the possibility of suffering from insomnia or sleep apnea, it may be time for you to consult a health care professional. They can assess your sleep patterns and determine the best course of action, which can be anything including prescribing taking sleeping pills.

Hopefully there are benefits, to recognize the health sciences then we are much healthier and increase knowledge.

Read also :

➨ How to cure headache.

➨ How to overcome Insomnia in children.

➨ How to overcome heartburn.

Headache and Migraine

Understanding Headaches


Headaches that are medically known as cephalalgia or pronounced presence cephalgia is a condition of pain in the head
{sometimes pain in the back of the neck or upper back, also known as headache }. These types of diseases included in the complaints diseases are often expressed. Headache is a universal problem, with a prevalence of nearly 99%, and is the most common reason for referral neurological. Headaches can have little clinical significance, but also may be a sign of disease that can be life-threatening.

Pain in the head caused by the withdrawal, displacement, inflammation, spasm of blood vessels , or distension of structures in the head and neck are sensitive to pain.

Classification of Headache

One type of headache that too many complaints are migraine. Attacks of migraine headaches was more excruciating and sometimes come unexpectedly. Migraine sufferer will feel pain and throbbing like a beaten and pulled and is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting. Sufferers also tend to be more sensitive to light, sound and smells. It was certainly very disturbing and can inhibit the activities of the patient. The word migraine comes from the Greek hemicrania (hemi = half, cranium = skull). Migraine headache attacks can occur several times a year to several times a week, with longer attacks are usually 1-2 hours. Migraine or headache may not be known with certainty the cause. However, it is thought this type of headache is caused due to hyperactivity of brain electrical impulses that increase blood flow in the brain causing brain blood vessel dilation and inflammation. There is also a tension-type headache (tension-type headache, or TTH) character is the second side of the head like a squeezed tightly, but not accompanied by other symptoms (no nausea, vomiting, light-sensitive, etc.)

Headaches are largely of primary with no underlying diseases such as migraine, cluster, and tension-type headache. However there is also a headache caused by an underlying disease process or condition, or so-called secondary headache, where these conditions should be the initial focus in the diagnostic evaluation of headache. The manifestation of an underlying systemic disease may help in the diagnosis of the etiology of headaches and should always be sought. Because if it's too late can be fatal.

Here are some things to note from headaches which bodes secondary headache.

Profile time.
headache acute / sudden show vascular cause. In this case, the most serious is considered as a diagnostic bleeding '' subarachnoid '', bleeding from arteriovenous malformation, pituitary apoplexy, and bleeding into the mass lesion. If it finds this complaint CT scanning is an additional examination suggested.

Another worrying profile is accelerating pattern of headaches. Most commonly, this pattern
occurred in patients who had used analgesics in excess, but it is also possible causes due to the enlarged mass lesions such as tumors or subdural hematoma.

A headache that just feel by patients with malignancies or those who are immunocompromised should always be investigated. Because diagnostic considerations metastases, carcinomatous or infectious meningitis, and brain abscess.

Patients with headache were also accompanied by a fever, stiff neck, rash, or other signs of systemic disease should be suspected infectious diseases such as :

Meningitis, encephalitis,
Lyme disease, and systemic infections associated with headache.

Weight loss may accompany malignancy last, giant cell arteritis, or depression.

Fever or chills may indicate a systemic infection or meningitis.

Dyspnea or other symptoms of heart disease increases the likelihood of subacute endocarditis and brain abscess resulting.

Visual disturbances showed eye disorders (eg, glaucoma), migraine, or intracranial process involving the optic nerve or channel or channels of central vision.

Nausea and vomiting are common in migraine and headache is usually a sign of post-traumatic syndrome, or can be seen as a development of a mass lesion. Some patients with migraine
also reported that the diarrhea can be accompanied the attack.

Photophobia may stand in migraine and acute meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Myalgia often accompanied by tension-type headache, but can also result from a viral infection or giant cell arteritis.

Ipsilateral : one side of rhinorrhea and lacrimation during cluster.

Temporary loss of consciousness may be due to a migraine or neuralgia glosofaringeal.


Although many people in the community generally experiencing tension-type headache (TTH) compared to migraine, but most people who suffer from headaches seek treatment when suffering from migraine. More than 90% of 1203 patients consulting a general physician came with complaints of headaches diagnosed with migraine as the cause of their complaints. Although the prevalence of patients diagnosed with migraine general practitioner pretty much among patients with headache, but the patients themselves are often convinced that they experience headaches caused by sinus disease.

Headache is a disease ever experienced by everyone, even the intensity of headache was higher than other diseases, let alone adults, a small child was inevitable from the name of a headache.

Causes of headaches

Then what is the cause of headache ? 

Why headaches can occur ?

Here are some types of headache disorders that are often in pain :

1. Tension headaches.

Symptoms begin with muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and skull due to emotional distress. The pain always started from the back of the head, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head.

2. Migraine headaches.

Generally perceived headaches are more severe than tension headaches. Migraines always felt on one side of the head only and often behind one eye. Patients with migraine in women roughly three times more than men. The cause is mainly due to hormonal changes.

3. Headache with a variety of symptoms.

This disorder primarily affects men. Symptoms such incredible pain and is generally focused around the eye socket with watery eyes and a runny nose.

4. Post-traumatic headache.

It often comes as a result of an accident, although only slightly injured in the head. The pain sometimes occurs after weeks or months after the injury and can last up to a year after the trauma.

5. Headache allergies.

This disorder is often accompanied by symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, and sore throat. Appearance can be caused by certain foods or anything that can cause allergies.

6. Sinus headaches.

This disorder is known of the symptoms. Closed one nostril or both, and the pain extends to the top of the cheeks and forehead. The sections are very sensitive to the touch feels it would be in cash painful.

7. In addition to the specific cause headaches, there are also headaches that arise solely as a secondary symptom of the condition of the body that is wrong and requires medical treatment.

Know the Symptoms of Headaches

1. If the headache is felt worse in the morning than during the day, a sign of high blood pressure.

2. When a headache accompanied by pain in the eyes, ears or teeth, indicating the occurrence of infections.

3. Had headaches always happens after doing tasks that rely on the sense of vision such as reading or sewing, a sign of irregularities in the eye.

4. Tumor, stroke, or perhaps sleeplessness can cause very sudden headache pain. As a result, the body feels weak and accompanied with blurred vision. This headache pain begins as a small and getting worse in the morning. Examination is required as soon as possible to determine the cause.

5. If the headache is accompanied by fever and a stiff neck, your chances of developing meningitis. Medical treatment is indispensable.

6. When headache sudden and intense pain, signs of arterial blood vessels in the brain rupture. It can be life-threatening. Medical treatment should be done.

Types of Headaches

Headaches are classified into two types :
Primary and Secondary headaches.

In primary headache, the pain is itself the disease. Secondary headaches are caused by other medical problems.

1. Primary headache.

Stress, weather or hormonal imbalances can trigger a primary headache, lasting from several hours to several days. There are two main types of primary headache, which is caused by muscle tension (myogenic) and dilation of blood vessels (vascular). Myogenic headaches caused by muscle tension face, neck and head. Headache is the most common type. The annual prevalence of myogenic headache was 74%, much higher than for all other types of headaches. 40% of women are affected more often these headaches than men.

Myogenic headache marked by pressure on both sides of the head with a mild to moderate level and not getting sick when doing regular physical activity. Headache is also not cause nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to light and sound.

Vascular headache is caused by dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation) of the brain that suppresses the nerves, causing pain. This kind of headache is the most common migraine. Migraine is a recurrent headaches, which is more common in women, especially before menstruation. Migraine is characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head, which lasted for at least 12 hours. This kind of headache accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. In some people, migraines also marked by increased sensitivity to light and loud noise. Therefore, they usually want to rest in a room that is dark, quiet and cool.
Another type of vascular headache is the cluster headache. Cluster headaches occur repeatedly every day at the same time for a few days or weeks and then subside. Cluster headache attacks can be repeated up to several times a year. The pain generally increases slowly and be very severe in a few minutes, and then disappear in one to three hours. More than one headache attacks can happen in a day.

Cluster headache generally develops from the area around the eye and spreads to the entire face. Eyes that are affected by this headache usually becomes red and wet and nostril on the same side of the face often becomes runny and stuffy. One of the main differences between cluster and migraine is the cluster headache sufferers usually feel better when moving.

2. Secondary Headaches.

Secondary headaches can be caused by influenza, sinus inflammation, high blood pressure, stroke mild / severe stroke, head injury, brain tumors, metabolic disorders (diabetes and thyroid disease), optic nerve disorders, dental pain, etc. The side effects of drugs and psychological problems can also lead to headaches. With proper medical treatment on the underlying disease, usually headaches will disappear.

Read also :

➨ Easy way to treat fever.

➨ How to treat pain in the neck.

➨ Natural way to overcome migraine.

Fever and kids



HealthSciences - The human body has the anterior hypothalamus in the brain responsible for the regulation to be stable body temperature (thermostat) which ranges from 37 ℃ +/- 1.

Temperature measurement

Temperatures in the area anal (rectal temperature) closest to the actual body temperature (core body temperature). Temperatures in the area of ​​the mouth or the armpit (axilla) about 0.5 to 0.8 ℃. lower than the temperature rectally, with a note after the measurement for at least 1 minute. Not recommended measure ( "guess") body temperature by touching the hand (without using a thermometer).

Physiology Fever (What Happened Fever)

Fever is usually caused by the body's exposure to infectious microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, parasites). Fever may also be caused by non-infectious factors such as immune complexes, or inflammation more. When a virus or bacteria enters the body, the various types of white blood cells or leukocytes release "fever-causing substances (endogenous pyrogen)" which in turn triggers the production of prostaglandin E2 in the anterior hypothalamus, which then increases the value of the threshold temperature and there was fever. During fever, the hypothalamus carefully controlling the temperature rise so that the body rarely exceeds 41 ℃.

Fever impact

Beneficial Impact on Body Immune Function

Some research evidence 'in-vitro' (not done directly on the human body) showed the defense function of the human body works well at temperatures fever, compared to a normal temperature. IL-1 and other endogenous pyrogens will "invite" more leukocytes and increase their activity in inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Fever is also triggered in the number of leukocytes and increases the production / function of interferon (a substance that helps leukocytes combat microorganisms).

Negative impact

First, the possibility of dehydration (lack of body fluids). When experiencing fever, increased evaporation of body fluids so that children can dehydrate.

Second, the lack of oxygen. When the fever, the child with lung disease or heart disease blood vessel may suffer a lack of oxygen, so that the lung disease or heart abnormalities acute respiratory infections felt heavier.

Third, fever above 42℃ can cause neurological damage (nerve) , although very rare. There is no research evidence that indicates the occurrence of neurological damage when the fever below 42℃.

Lastly, children under the age of 5 years (toddlers), mainly at the age between 6 months and 3 years old, at risk of febrile seizures (febrile convulsions), particularly in rectal temperature above 40 ℃. Febrile seizures usually goes away by itself, and does not cause neurological disorders (nerve damage).

Fever is often accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, decreased appetite (anorexia), weakness, and muscle pain. Most of them are associated with fever-causing substances before.

Fever Virus Infection

Fever in infants and children are usually caused by a viral infection. In a fever accompanied by canker sores, chicken pox rash, or other rashes are easily recognizable, as the virus that can cause fever soon be concluded without the need for special examination. Mild fever can also be found in children with cough, runny nose (common colds), with rinovirus one of the most frequent causes. Other causes of fever in children is enteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) caused mainly by rotavirus.
Viral diseases are self-limiting disease (will end and heal by itself).

Fever Bacterial Infections

Among the fever caused by bacterial infections in children, one of the most common are urinary tract infection (UTI). Generally not accompanied by other symptoms. Most at risk have a baby younger than 6 months.

More serious bacterial infections such as pneumonia or meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain) can also cause symptoms of fever. However, the percentage is not great. From infants> 3 months and children 1-3 years old with fever> 39 ℃. only 2% (1-3.6%) are bacteria have entered the bloodstream (bacteremia).

In this age group, Hib immunization program succeeded in reducing the risk of bacterial meningitis are very significant.
pneumoniae (a major cause of bacterial infections are serious enough).

Seniors who require high vigilance of parents and doctors are under the age of 3 months. Babies should undergo a more thorough examination because 10% of it can have serious bacterial infection, and one of which is meningitis. To facilitate the risk assessment, Rochester assign some points to identify low risk of serious bacterial infections in infants with fevers.

Rochester criteria are :

Baby looks fine.
The previously healthy baby:
Born at term (≥ 37 weeks of gestation).

There is no history of treatment for hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice) for no apparent reason.

There is no history of treatment with antibiotics.

There is no history of hospitalization. There is no chronic disease or other underlying diseases fever.
Discharged from a maternity joint / before Mother.

No signs of skin infection, soft tissue, bones, joints, or ears.

Laboratory values ​​as follows :

Leukocytes 5000-15000 / ml
Neutrophil counts rod 1500 / mL. ≤10 leukocytes in urine
≤ 5 erythrocytes (red blood cells).

In infants with diarrhea stool
Although it is known that most of the causes of fever is a viral infection, but the data show that in fact the majority of medical staff diagnosed as bacterial infections. In one study in the United States, this percentage reaches 56%. And in the same study still found their antibiotics at a fever that has not been clearly identified cause (either viral or bacterial).

Drug effects Pereda Fever (Antipyretic)

One study reported that voluntary adult volunteers infected with the virus Rhinovirus and treated with therapeutic doses of aspirin (the usual dose used in the treatment), more likely to become ill than those receiving placebo. Results were similar (although not significant), reported with the use of aspirin and paracetamol. Furthermore, the use of these two drugs, plus ibuprofen, increasing the blockage in the nose (nasal obstruction) and suppress the antibody response. And other studies do not support this finding.

In a survey of 147 children with bacterial infection, there was no difference in length of stay in those given two or more of antipyretics, compared with those receiving one, or were not given an antipyretic.

A randomized study of children who allegedly caused fever virus, showed paracetamol does not reduce the duration of fever and did not eliminate the symptoms associated. However, acetaminophen make children a little more active and fitter.

Treatment with Antipyretic

Work mechanism

Paracetamol, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are more effective antipyretic. Works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandin E2 in the anterior hypothalamus (which rise in response to the endogenous pyrogen).


Paracetamol is the drug of choice in children. The dose of 10-15 mg / kg / times.
Paracetamol is conjugated in the liver to sulfate derivatives and glukoronida, but there is a small part metabolized to form intermediates aryl hepatotoxic (be toxic to the liver) if the amount exceeds capacity hepatotoxic agent for the liver metabolizes with glutathione or other sulfhydryl (more than 150 mg / kg). Then 500 mg tablets should not be given to children (eg the 500 mg tablet three times can be harmful to the baby with a weight under 10 kg). Packaging in the form of syrup 60 ml safer.


An effective antipyretic use in children but can cause serious side effects. Aspirin is irritating to the stomach thereby increasing the risk of gastric ulcers, bleeding, until perforation (leakage due to the formation of a hole in the stomach wall). Aspirin also can inhibit the activity of platelets (clotting function in the blood) that can lead to the risk of bleeding). Giving aspirin to children with a viral infection shown to increase the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare disease (incidence until 1980 by 1-2 per 100 thousand children per year), which is characterized by liver and kidney damage. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under five.

Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Type (NSAIDs) are most commonly used in children is ibuprofen. A dose of 5-10 mg / kg / times have antipyretic effectiveness equivalent to aspirin or paracetamol. Similar to aspirin and other NSAIDs, ibuprofen can cause stomach ulcers, bleeding, and perforation, although these complications are rare in children. Ibuprofen is also not recommended for children experiencing fever and diarrhea with or without vomiting.

Other types,
Pyrazolone derivatives such as phenylbutazone and dipiron, effective as antipyretics, but far more toxic (harmful).


Supportive therapy
Efforts are Recommended
Increase fluid intake (breast milk, milk, water, soup, or fruit juice). Drinking a lot also capable of being an expectorant (salve airways) by reducing the production of mucus in the airways. Rarely, severe dehydration in the absence of diarrhea and vomiting constantly.

Avoid fatty foods are difficult to digest because of fever lowering activity of the stomach.

Wear light clothing good indoor air vents. Children don't have to continue to lie in bed, but kept to refrain from excessive activity.

Child with warm water compress to do if a child is fussy and felt very uncomfortable, generally at an ambient temperature of 40 ℃. Compress can be done by putting the child in the tub already filled with warm water. Then wash the body, arms and legs of children with the warm water. Generally compress the child will reduce fever within 30-45 minutes. However, if the child feels increasingly uncomfortable with bathing, don't do it !!!

Efforts Supportive Not Recommended

Efforts to 'cool down' the child to undress, bathe or wash with cold water, or compress with alcohol. If the threshold values ​​of the hypothalamus has been debased in advance with the drug, undress the child or compress with cold water will only make him shiver (and uncomfortable), as the body attempts to maintain the temperature of the center is at the threshold value that has been adjusted. Besides alcohol can also be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, and certainly there is a risk of toxicity.

Conclusion fever

The views of society will continue to change fever. Now the fever is regarded as a response 'healthy' to disease and considered reasonable. Treatment is 'aggressive' must be proven by scientific evidence. So the rational therapy is reassuring to patients and health workers, and to ensure that they are 'controlling' her disease and not 'controlled' by disease.

Efforts to deal with the fever is not a priority. The first act is there any identifying bacterial infections (pneumonia, otitis media, streptococcal pharyngitis, meningitis, or sepsis) , and if necessary refer to the hospital for further action.

Both parents and health professionals should not automatically give fever relief medication to all children with a fever. “ Take care of her, not the thermometer " . Enterprises relieve fever is intended to overcome the inconvenience of the child (if significant), and is usually obtained through oral administration of paracetamol in children who only have a high fever alone. This would create health care (and families) who efficiently directed solely for the good of children, an emphasis on finding the cause and through efforts to reduce unnecessary polypharmacy, and to prioritize essential treatment alone.

Read also :

How to prevent children from insomnia.

Protect kids from adenovirus Infection.

Chronic and acute respiratory Infections.

Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI)

HealthSciences - Airway consists of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Upper respiratory tract airways are most often exposed to pollution exposure outside so often the first infection. The upper respiratory tract consists of the nose which then goes to the throat. After the throat, airway walk towards the lower respiratory tract, namely the trachea, then branched into tracheal bronchus, before heading to the lungs. If the bronchi are infected, it is called with bronchitis. Bronchitis is a common infection that causes inflammation in acute respiratory tract, and if it continues, it will cause irritation of the airways, especially lung.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Symptoms of bronchitis include cough mucus grayish yellow, sore throat, breath sounds and nasal congestion.

Acute bronchitis may have symptoms of cough and phlegm production that sometimes accompany an upper respiratory infection. In most cases, acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection, but sometimes also caused by bacteria. If the condition of the patient's body's defense is good, the mucous membrane returns to normal after recovering from a lung infection early, which usually lasts for several days.

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a serious long-term disorder that often requires regular medical care.

If the patient is a smoker and fell into a state of acute bronchitis, then it will be much more difficult for the patient to recover. Any damage to the airways due to smoking will destroy small structures in the lungs, called cilia (hairs in the mucosa), responsible for brushing out debris substances, irritants, and excess mucus.

If someone continues to smoke, this resulted in damage cilia cilia do not function properly, thus increasing the chances to become chronic bronchitis. In some heavy smokers, the mucous membranes lining the airways are inflamed and cilia eventually stop functioning altogether. The lungs are then vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections, from time to time, because the infection will erode and permanently damage lung airways. This permanent condition called COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Doctors can also do a breathing test, called spirometry, to see a child away after developing COPD.

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is very common. Disorders that often can be treated effectively without professional medical help. However, if you have symptoms that are severe or persistent (permanent), presence of high fever, or if you cough up blood, you must visit a doctor. If you have difficulty breathing or chest pain, immediately take it to the Emergency Unit.

If a person suffers from chronic bronchitis, then he is at risk of heart problems and lung disease more serious as well as other infections, so it should be monitored by a physician.

The main cause of bronchitis

What causes bronchitis ?

- Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a lung infection, 90% of which are virus. Recurrent attacks of acute bronchitis, can weaken and irritate the bronchial airways from time to time, which can lead to chronic bronchitis.

- Industrial pollution also be other causes.
In more advanced age, the industry is now more and more present. Chronic bronchitis is found in higher levels in areas such as coal mining industry where workers are exposed to dust and fumes. But the main cause is smoking the long term, that irritate the bronchial tubes and cause bronchial tract produces excessive mucus.

- Symptoms of chronic bronchitis is also exacerbated by high concentrations of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere.

Symptoms of Bronchitis

What are the symptoms of bronchitis ?

Symptoms of acute bronchitis include :

- Hacking cough.
Sputum is yellow, white, or green, usually appear 24 to 48 hours after the cough starts.

- Fever, chills.

- Pain and tightness in the chest.
Pain under sternum during breathing deeply.

- Hard to breathe.

The symptoms of chronic bronchitis is :

Persistent cough (settled) that produces sputum yellow, white, or green (at least three months a year, and for more than two years in a row). Sometimes experiencing shortness of breath.

You should immediately see a doctor, if you have things like the following ;

- Coughing so severe that it interferes with sleep or daily activities or cause persistent chest pain, because cough as it could damage the air sacs in the lungs.

- Symptoms last more than a week, and the mucus becomes darker and thicker, the increased volume of sputum, or turns bloody.

- Acute bronchitis symptoms followed by lung problems or chronic heart, or infected with virus (HIV) that causes AIDS ; Respiratory infections can be made vulnerable to lung disease more serious, such as pneumonia.

- Has difficulty breathing. This may be a symptom of a medical condition such as asthma, emphysema or heart disease.

Treatment for bronchitis

What is the treatment for bronchitis?

Conventional treatment for acute bronchitis may consist of simple measures such as rest, drinking plenty of fluids, avoid the smoke, and perhaps get a prescription for inhaled bronchodilator and / or cough medicine.

In severe cases of chronic bronchitis, oral steroids or inhalers to reduce inflammation and / or supplemental oxygen may be needed.

In healthy people with bronchitis who had normal lungs and no chronic health problems, an infection may be caused by viruses, so antibiotics can't help.

Productive cough (a cough that produces sputum) often do come with acute bronchitis. This is the mechanism of the body to get rid of excess mucus. However, if the cough is really disturbing eg painful and exhausting or non-productive cough (dry and hoarse), then the doctor may recommend medications antitussive (cough suppressant).

In most cases, patients only need to do things that normally do when it's cold like the consumption of ibuprofen or paracetamol and drink plenty of fluids.

If a person has chronic bronchitis, lung susceptible to infection. Chronic bronchitis patients should get vaccinated against pneumonia, which usually only once vaccination. One vaccination will protect life against bacterial or viral strains of this disease. Sometimes a second shot, mentioned booster, is also required.

Don't take an antitussive (cough suppressant) without a prescription. Similarly, acute bronchitis, productive cough associated with chronic bronchitis is to help clean the lungs of excess mucus. In fact, the doctor may recommend an expectorant (thinning phlegm) if relatively dry cough.

However, if there is a change in the color, volume, or the thickness of phlegm, Patients falling in the condition of bacterial infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to fight bacteria.

If you are overweight, your doctor will recommend losing weight to avoid undue stress on the heart.

If the patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (as demonstrated by spirometry breathing test), many doctors prescribe a bronchodilator drug which temporarily helps dilate the airways.

However, the treatment of the most important and most successful for chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking. Doctors may also prescribe steroids to reduce inflammation in the airways.

In chronic bronchitis with COPD, if there are defects in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs into the bloodstream, doctors may prescribe oxygen therapy can be given in hospital.

If the patient smokes, then the doctor may recommend to stop smoking. Research shows that a person who quit smoking can be cured , although it has been under chronic bronchitis and severe COPD, not only can reduce the severity of symptoms, but also can improve their life expectancy is longer.

Protect Kids From Adenovirus Infection


Diseases caused by adenovirus is commonly experienced by children can be transmitted quickly. Those infected are strongly advised not to go to school or go to a public place while.

Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that can cause infections in the eyes, intestines, lungs and the airways. Up to now, there are about 40 types of adenoviruses have been identified. Adenovirus can be easily transmitted because it can remain active for a long time on the surface of objects.

Then how to recognize diseases that can be caused by this virus ?

Respiratory illness with fever (febrile respiratory disease).

Disease whose symptoms resemble the flu is an adenovirus infection most commonly occurs in children. Pharyngitis, cough, rhinitis, and swollen lymph nodes are other symptoms that can arise. In most cases, the disease also causes middle ear infection or otitis media.

Lower respiratory tract disorders

Adenovirus infections can cause lower respiratory tract disease, such as pneumonia, whooping cough, or bronchiolitis. Although rare, this condition can lead to fatal health problems for babies.


Adenovirus infections can cause gastroenteritis, which is inflammation of the large and small intestine with symptoms of diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps and headaches.

Urinary tract infection

Adenovirus can cause cystitis (bladder inflammation) with symptoms of hemorrhagic blood in the urine , as well as cause urinary tract infections with the characteristics of the pain when urinating and frequent desire to urinate.

eye infections

Adenoviruses attacking the eye can cause inflammation of the outer layer of the eye and lining the eyelids (conjunctiva). This condition is called conjunctivitis or Pinkeye. Red eye and discharge from the eyes are symptoms that are generally experienced patients. Another type of eye infection are fever. Faringoconjungtivital, when airways also become infected faringoconjungtivital, ie when the airways also become infected. While keratoconjunctivitis occurs when the cornea in both eyes also become infected.

Adenovirus rarely ended in the death, but generally these infections can be serious if it occurs in infants or people with impaired immune systems, for example in people with heart problems or pre-existing respiratory.

Protecting Children from Adenovirus Infection

Adenovirus infections are transmitted from one person to another through coughing, sneezing, or fecal contamination. To avoid contracting this infection, here's how to do by sufferers and others who are still healthy.

- Cover your mouth and nose with a hand or cloth when coughing and sneezing.

- Wash hands before meals and after defecating.
Do the same after making contact with public facilities, such as touching the handle of the door opening or holding minimarket on the train or bus.

- Wash your hands before preparing food.
Teach children to always wash their hands before eating. They can be infected if playing with a friend who is infected.

- Avoid eating food that has been exposed to flies.

- Those who are suffering from illness should not attend school or work. Sufferers also should not use public facilities in advance, such as swimming in public pools because the adenovirus causes of conjunctivitis can be spread through water. This is why it takes the chlorine in swimming pools to prevent transmission.

- Avoid rubbing the eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands clean. Antibiotics can not handle virus infection.
The best way to get proper treatment is checked by a doctor.

Diarrhea caused by adenovirus may subside in about two weeks. Several other diseases, such as pneumonia, can last up to four weeks.

Adenovirus infection symptoms in each child is different, depending on which body part is infected. Small Immediately consult the doctor if he was impaired breathing, dehydration, experienced a prolonged fever, symptoms worsen after a week, as well as red and swollen eyes are getting worse. Adenovirus infection symptoms are not severe, but that occurs in babies under three months should consult a physician.

Read also :

Benefits of exercise for children.

The importance of hand washing for young children.

- How to prevent insomnia in children.


Definition of Laryngitis

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that occurs for many reasons. Inflammation of the larynx often occur as a result of using too much noise, exposure to dust, chemicals, smoke, and other pollutants, or as part of an upper respiratory tract infection. Possible Laryngitis also be caused by infection isolated that only the vocal cords. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx is also caused primarily by viruses and can be caused by bacteria.

Based on his journey, laryngitis is divided into two (Acute and chronic laryngitis).
Acute laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx / larynx-tracheal-bronchial. Acute laryngitis is an acute inflammation of the larynx caused by viruses and bacteria that lasts less than 3 weeks. Acute inflammation of the larynx, generally a continuation of rinofaringitis (common cold).

Acute laryngitis in children can cause airway obstruction, whereas in adults is not as fast as in children.

II. Pathophysiology Laryngitis.

Almost all of this is the virus that cause inflammation. Possible secondary bacterial invasion. Laryngitis is usually accompanied rhinitis or nasopharyngitis. Onset of infection may be associated with exposure to sudden temperature changes, dietary deficiencies, malnutrition, and no immunity.

Laryngitis is common in winter and are easily transmitted. This is in line with immune deficiencies as well as the prevalence of the virus increased. Laryngitis is usually preceded by pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infections more. This will result in irritation of the upper respiratory tract mucosa and stimulates the mucus glands to produce excess mucus that clogs the airways. These conditions will induce severe coughing that can cause irritation of the larynx. And spur inflammation in the larynx. This inflammation causes pain as spending on chemical mediators that if excessive blood will stimulate increased body temperature.

III. Etiology Laryngitis.

1. Acute laryngitis may occur from the continuation of respiratory tract infections such as influenza or the common cold.

Infection with influenza viruses (types A and B), parainfluenza (type 1,2,3), rhinovirus and adenovirus. Other causes are Haemophilus influenzae, Branhamella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

2. This disease can occur due to changes in the season / weather.

3. Excessive use of voice.


5. Chemical material.

6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.

7. Allergy.

Clinical manifestations

Acute laryngitis.

In acute laryngitis usually cause by a virus infection. Bacterial infections such as diphtheria also may be the cause, but it is uncommon. Acute laryngitis may also occur to any disease or after you recover from an illness, such as colds, flu or pneumonia.

1. Acute laryngitis may occur from the continuation of respiratory tract infections such as influenza or the common cold. Infection with influenza viruses (types A and B), parainfluenza (type 1,2,3), rhinovirus and adenovirus. Other causes are Haemophilus influenzae, Branhamella catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

2. This disease can occur due to changes in the season / weather.

3. Excessive use of voice.


5. Chemical material.

6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.

7. Allergy.

Chronic laryngitis

Cases often occur in chronic laryngitis include constant irritation occurs due to excessive use of alcohol, heavy smoking or reflux of stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus and throat. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

Chronic laryngitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is located in the upper respiratory tract, if there is less than 3 weeks is called acute and called chronic when it occurs more than 3 weeks.
Some patients may have experienced recurrent attacks of acute laryngitis, exposed to dust or fumes irritating or use voice is not appropriate in the context of neuromuscular. Smoking can cause laryngeal edema and erythema.

Specific Chronic laryngitis

Specific Chronic laryngitis Included in specific chronic laryngitis laryngitis is tuberculosis and laryngitis luetika.

a. Tuberculosis laryngitis.

The disease is almost always due to pulmonary tuberculosis. Typically post-treatment, pulmonary tuberculosis cured but still settled tuberculosis laryngitis. This happens because the structure of the laryngeal mucosa attached to the cartilage and vaskularisasinya were not as good as the lungs so that when the infection has hit its governance, the cartilage can be prolonged.

In the clinical manifestations of tuberculosis laryngitis consists of four stages, namely :

1. Stadium infiltration.
posterior laryngeal mucosa swelling and hyperemia, can the vocal cords. Tubercles formed in the submucosa that appear bluish spots. Tubercles enlarged and some adjacent tubercles unite so that the top of the mucous stretched so that one day it will burst and ulcers.

2. Stadium ulceration.
ulcers that arise in end-stage dilated infiltration. The ulcer is removed, essentially felt very painful.

3. Stadium perikondritis.
Ulcer deepened so as to kartuilago larynx mainly arytenoid and epiglottis, causing cartilage damage.

4. Stadium tumor formation. Fibrotuberkulosis formed on the posterior wall, the vocal cords and subglotik.

 b. Laryngitis Luetika.

Chronic inflammation is rarely found in 4 stages Lues most associated with chronic laryngitis is Lues tertiary stage where the formation gummas which sometimes resembles a laryngeal malignancy. If the rupture will occur guma typical ulcers are ulcers are very deep, brimmed with hard bottom, dark red with yellowish exudate. The ulcer is painless but spread quickly.

V. Complication

Complications that can occur, namely chronic laryngitis. In addition, voice changes can occur if these symptoms occur rasping sound during 2-3 weeks. The sound changes can be caused by acid reflux or exposure to irritants. It is risky to cause malignancy on the vocal cords.

VI. Classification

Laryngitis is classified into two types :

1. Acute laryngitis.

Acute laryngitis caused by bacterial or viral infection, excessive use of voice, inhalation of environmental pollutants. Acute laryngitis is characterized by afonia or missing sounds and chronic cough. These symptoms are aggravated by environmental conditions cool and dry.

2. Chronic laryngitis.

Chronic laryngitis is characterized by persistent afonia. In the morning, sore throat but usually improves in warmer temperatures. Sore throat and cough worse back by noon. Coughing can also be triggered by cold air or cold drinks. In patients who have allergies, uvula will look rosy.
Chronic laryngitis may occur after repeated acute laryngitis, and can also be caused by chronic diseases upper tract urinarisu, smoking , Exposure to irritants that are constant, and excessive alcohol consumption. Signs of this are chronic laryngitis sore throat insignificant, hoarseness, and there is edema of the larynx.

Signs and Symptoms of Laryngitis

Signs and symptoms of laryngitis may include :

• Hoarse,
• Sound weak or loss of voice.
• Itching and rough in the throat.
• Pain in the throat.
• dry throat
• hacking cough.
• Difficulty breathing (in children).


Generally, this disease does not need to be hospitalized, but no indication was admitted to hospital if :

- Patients under 3 years of age.

- Looks toxic, cyanosis, dehydration or axhausted.

- Diagnosis of patients is still unclear.

- Inadequate home care.


1. Resting talk and speak for 2-3 days.

2. If the patient may be given oxygen tightness 2 l / min.

3. Break.

4. Inhaling warm steam and drops of mint oil can arise when there is a blockage in the nose, or the use of saline (0.9% saline) that is packaged in the form of a nasal spray.

5. Medikamentosa : Paracetamol / antipyretic if the patient is no fever, if there are symptoms of pain killer medication can be administered anti-pain / analgesic agents, nasal congestion can be administered as a nasal decongestant phenylpropanolamine (PPA), ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, napasolin can be administered in oral form or spray.
Namely adequate antibiotic treatment :

Ampicillin 100 mg / kg / day.
intravenous, or chloramphenicol divided into four doses: 50 mg / kg / day. intravenously, divided into 4 doses or third generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime or ceftriaxone) can then be given intravenous corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, with a dose of 0.5 mg / kg / day divided into 3 doses, administered over 1-2 days.

6. Suctioning mucus from the throat or larynx , if management does not work, do endotracheal or tracheostomy when it happened airway obstruction.


- Don't smoke, avoid cigarette smoke because smoking will make a dry throat and cause irritation of the vocal cords.

- Drink plenty of water because fluids will help keep mucus found in the throat is not too much and is easy to clean.

- Limit even refrain from using alcohol and caffeine to prevent dry.

- Don't clear your throat to throat clearing for clearing his throat will cause an abnormal vibration of vocal cords.

- Improve and cleared his throat swelling will also cause the throat to produce more mucus.

X. Supporting investigation

1. AP radiographs of the neck: it can seem subglottic tissue swelling (Steeple sign). This sign was found in 50% of cases.

2. Laboratory examination : blood picture can be normal. If accompanied by secondary infection, leukocytes can be increased.

3. In an indirect laryngoscopy examination will be found laryngeal mucosa very swollen , hyperemia and no visible swelling of the membrane as well as subglottic namely connective tissue swelling on the conical elastikus which will appear below the vocal cords.

Assessment Theory

I. Patient identity.

1. Disease History.

This includes the main complaints begin before there is a complaint to fever, nausea, vomiting, spasms, bapil, and pain when swallowing and speaking.

2. Past medical history.

Clients feel nausea, vomiting, fever, spasms, cough, painful swallowing whether there is a relationship with the illness earlier.

3. Family Disease History.

This includes how the health of the family, if the family members who suffer from infectious diseases.

II. Health History and Childbirth.

1. Prenatal
Nutritional state mother during pregnancy, infectious diseases suffered by mother during pregnancy, psychological Pregnant women, the use of herbs and drugs.

2. Natal.

Covering the current state of birth, labor, abnormalities that obtained the trauma of childbirth.

3. Post natal.

Abnormalities in babies, infants circumstances, immunization obtained.

III. Growth history of laryngitis

Growth include Weight, Height. Progress includes psychosocial development of fine and gross.

IV. Immunization history.
Covering immunization Hepatitis, Measles, Polio.

V. Nutrition History.
Breast milk and include the provision of supplementary feeding as well as the types of food additives are given.

VI. Patterns of Health Functions.

1. Governance patterns of perception and healthy life.
The response of patients about health and hygiene habits that are less keep covering , healthy management patterns in everyday life . How often Client bathing, brushing teeth and Client action if ill.

2. The pattern of nutrition and metabolism.
In general, people with laryngitis appetite decreases and their difficulty in swallowing.

3. Patterns of elimination.
Elimination patients sometimes experience constipation while on impaired urinary elimination not only the color of urine to brown.

4.Rest and sleep patterns.
At rest and sleep will decrease due to laryngitis patients with shortness of breath and pain when swallowing talk.

5. Activity and exercise patterns.
In patients with laryngitis will be impaired because they have bedrest as well as nausea, vomiting, fever and pain that makes the activity decreases.

6. Patterns of perception and self-concept.
It usually occurs anxiety in the patient to a state of illness, the psychological impact, and changes in self-concept as: body image, self ideal.

7. Sensory and cognitive patterns.
Covering body image, self systems, identity confusion, depression and patients' knowledge about the disease.

8. The pattern of the relationship role.
How is the role of the patient in the patient's family includes relationships with family and others.

9. Patterns of relationship stress.
Usually, patients often daydreaming and anxiety over the state of the disease.

10. The pattern of values ​​and beliefs.
Usually patients are impaired in terms of worship for the patient to be treated so that their activity was helped by family.

Medical management

1. Speech and voice breaks for 2-3 days.

2. Inhalation of moist air.

3. Avoid irritation of the larynx and pharynx (eg, smoking, spicy foods, or drink iced).

For the medical treatment of children given penicillin antibiotics, 3x50 mg / kg. When allergies can be replaced erythromycin or basitrosin can be given cortisol to cope with edema. Installed an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube if there is a blockage of the larynx.

 Supporting investigation

Smear from the larynx to the culture and resistance tests in case of prolonged or frequent residitif.

How is the diagnosis ?

To ensure laryngitis doctor will examine the inside of the larynx of patients by studying their reflections through a special glass. Examination in this way can show vocal cords red, inflamed and sometimes bleeding with enlarged edges and pointy , Doctors also checked the discharge and in severe cases will be conducted breeding tests on the liquid.

Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention

Impaired sense of comfort : acute pain and inflammatory processes.

Intervention :

- Please note the change in the characteristics of pain.

- TTV observation.
Take action to improve the sense of comfort (give change of position, relaxation techniques / distraction and minimizing disturbed stimulus).

- Collaboration : analgetik as indicated.

Hyperthermia bacterial infection Haemophilus Influenzae.

Intervention :

- Observation of body temperature, especially TTV.

- Describe efforts to tackle hyperthermia on the family by giving a cold compress using thin clothes and drink plenty when hyperthermia.

- Collaboration; Give antipyretic therapy as indicated.

Risk Ineffective breathing pattern and inflammation of the larynx

Intervention :

- Assess the speed and depth of breathing and movement of the chest, lung auscultation, record a decrease in additional breath sounds and voices.

- Use pillows to maintain open airway.

- Give the right position by elevating the head or put in a sitting position.

- Explain to patients / families on actions that facilitate business spirit like position Fowler / semi-Fowler.

- Collaboration; Increased humidity and the provision of additional O2 etc.

The risks to an imbalance in nutrition less than body requirements decrease and convenience mouth oral input.

Intervention :

- Assess nutritional status in patients.

- Give soft foods that do not stimulate stimulus sore mouth / larynx.

- Monitor patients and food every time after eating.

- Collaboration ; Forward parenteral fluid therapy.

Family processes, Interrupted patient's illness and hospitalization.

Intervention :

- Dig a family feeling and the problems that occur during hospitalization.

- Give a concern and needs of the elderly patient information and support.

- Involve the family during treatment.

- Tell us about the treatment carried out in accordance with the child's family knowledge.

Read also :

- How to treat migraine headaches.

- How to treat neck pain.

- Easy way to treatment chest pain.