Acne is a skin disease caused by clogged pores of the skin causing infection under the skin surface, so as to create pockets of pus that interfere in the face.
Currently there are two methods of acne treatment that is commonly used, the method of conservative form of chemical medicine and traditional methods for the provision of herb / natural remedy derived from plants that have efficacy rid of acne naturally and permanently.
Many people who had spent a facial treatment that does little but the creature called acne nonetheless appeared and became very annoying because it is difficult to remove.
Improper handling of acne can create scars on the face.
In addition to its low cost, natural remedy like this are usually far more useful than the pharmaceutical drugs sold in pharmacies.
Your skin is your best friend, you love it and be proud of it, so you do a lot of care to protect your skin beauty. Until one day a pimple appeared on the skin of your face is delicate, and suddenly you feel hate your face, you feel to be the world's ugliest.
What do you do if you face a sudden breakouts ?
Does using chemical drugs that can be bought in pharmacies ?
What is the use of certain cosmetic products to disguise the small ulcers ?
or are you using a natural remedy in the form of traditional herbs to get rid of acne bully it ?
Everyone has a different way to treat the skin disease. In addition to traditional and conservative way, there are also several types of homeopathic medications are used to treat acne naturally. And for those of you who are interested in knowing how to cure acne naturally, here are 10 traditional natural remedies that you can use to get rid of facial acne permanently.
1. Apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural cure most qualified to remove stubborn acne on the face. The main capabilities of apple cider vinegar is to kill the bacteria that cause infections in the face. Nature apple vinegar base, excellent in balancing the pH conditions of the skin, which in turn will inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Material : Unfiltered apple cider vinegar, Clean water.
How to use :
First wash your face with clean water and dry. Then dip the cotton into the vinegar and rub the area to facial acne. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse your face with water until clean. Repeat this method several times a day. Use a moisturizer afterwards if you feel that your skin becomes drier.
2. Cinnamon and honey.
2 of these ingredients does not seem suited to eliminate acne because the honey is sticky and hot wood. When in fact cinnamon and honey are a couple very potent natural remedy to eliminate acne on face.
Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria quickly. And if bacteria infect the skin already the honey is the right medication due to its nature as natural antibiotics.
Material : 2 tablespoons honey &
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon , paper towels.
How to use :
Rinse your face with clean water and dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and mix well until it forms a kind of pasta. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for more than 10 minutes. Rinse taste and pat your face dry. Because pasta was very sticky then use a paper towel to dry face.
3. Milk and honey.
Although some discussion refer to milk can cause the appearance of acne on the face, but many other studies also proved the role of milk or yogurt to get rid of acne naturally. Even Cleopatra queen of Egypt is famous for its beauty and the beauty of the skin because milk bath treatments that often she did. This is because the acid in the yogurt is anti-bacterial and fat can keep the skin moist.
Material :
1 tablespoon low-fat milk or yogurt (except skim milk),
1 tablespoon honey.
How to use :
Allow the milk or yogurt in a room temperature that is not too cool on contact with the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of milk / yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed and then make a mask on the face to dry , then add it to your face until at a certain thickness to your taste pretty. Let this process lasts for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your face mask with a soft cloth in a circular motion that aims to get rid of dead skin on the face. After completion moisturise the face if your skin becomes very dry.
4. Egg whites.
The egg white is the most natural and easiest to cure acne as well as eliminate acne scars are stubborn stains. Egg whites contain proteins and vitamins are very high which is useful for building skin cells die quickly. Egg whites also absorb excess oil, which means the excess before it can be minimized so that the bacteria are also increasingly difficult to develop. To prevent skin becomes very dry, use a moisturizer after this natural acne treatment methods.
Material : 2-3 egg whites (separated by yellow), bowl & soft cloth.
How to use :
Rinse your face with water that is clean and dry. Separate the egg yolks with the white. Beat the egg whites until frothy and let stand for a few minutes. Apply egg white on the sebum (sebaceous gland) using a finger as a whole and focus on areas with acne. Wait until dry and reapply as many as three to four times. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
5. Papaya To Eliminate Acne Misbehaving.
Papaya fruit is one type of fruit that is widely used in beauty products today. The good news is you don't need to buy each one of these products to get the benefits. Create your own and use papaya to cure acne naturally.
Papaya can eliminate dead skin cells excess lipid layer on the surface of the skin and make it look soft and smooth. Lipid is a term common to fat that is the origin of the formation of oil. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain which is useful to reduce inflammation and help prevent the formation of pus.
1 Prepare fresh papaya fruit.
Rinse your face with clean water and dry. Mash the papaya flesh until smooth and then apply to face evenly. Leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse your face with warm water.
Facts about acne
Acne, known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. This skin disease generally occurs during puberty when the body produces sebaceous (oil) in excess amount.
6. Orange peel.
Oranges have always been known to be very beneficial to the skin, which can be rejuvenate the cells and make the skin so fresh. Acne is caused by bacteria that infect the dead skin cells that clog pores, with vitamin C contained in citrus, the new cells can grow rapidly. Pasta orange peel that has been processed can be used to get rid of acne naturally.
Material : 2 oranges , Clean fresh water.
How to use ;
Rinse face with water first, then drain. Puree orange peel using a blender or pestle and then add a little water and make a kind of pasta. Once you've got the ideal mixture apply to face for 20-25 minutes. Then, rinse your face with clean water.
7. Tea Tree Oil.
The benefits of tea tree oil has been known since a long time and are used as an alternative treatment. In general, tea tree oil is used as a medicine to treat skin especially acne. Tea tree oil works by dissolving the sebum (Sebaceous gland) and dead skin cells so that no infection below the skin surface.
In addition, tea tree oil also has antibacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that cause acne and prevent infection. This oil is used topically to the face and not swallowed.
Material : 1 small bottle of tea tree oil , clean water,& cotton balls.
How to use :
Wash your face first, then drain. Dilute the tea tree oil by mixing it with water at a ratio of 1: 9 (1 drop tea versus 9 drops of water). Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and then apply to the face with acne.
8. Mask Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) To Eliminate Acne Scars.
This substance is also known as baking soda, as an acne medicine, this substance is very remarkable in removing acne is mild or severe. Sodium bicarbonate has antiseptic properties that can kill fungi and bacteria and is able to drain the excess oil.
Material : A box of baking soda, water clean.
How to use :
There are two ways to make the substance sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as the acne-busting drug that is making a face mask (scrub). If you want to make a mask, a box of baking soda mixed with water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the face in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Let stand for 15-20 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water and dry.
To scrub, mix half a cup banking soda with 1/8 cup of water. Apply the resulting paste to the face, then massage gently and slowly. After 5-6 minutes, rinse your face with warm water and dry.
9. Avocado And Honey.
There are many myths about acne develops in the community one of them is eating avocados can cause acne because the fat content in it. Yet so far there is no concrete evidence to prove the relationship between acne with avocado. And even vitamins and nutrients in avocados can help dislodge stubborn acne, especially if you have skin types including sensitive. Combine avocado with honey face mask will be very good as a natural cure acne.
Material : 1 avocado, 1 tablespoon honey.
How to use :
Rinse the face first, then drain. Remove the avocado flesh, crush and mix together 1 tablespoon honey. Mash the dough until it forms a paste and apply to face, especially in areas with acne. Let's face for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water and pat dry
10. Refresh Face With Mint Leaves.
Mint contains menthol, which works as an anti-inflammatory and natural pain relief. Mint will not cure acne but can help eliminate the effects of facial flushing caused by acne as well as relieve swelling due to a severe infection.
Material : fresh Mint leaves
Rinse and wash face with water and pat dry. Crush the mint leaves in a blender or mash until smooth. Rub mint had been mashed into your face and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then the last rinse with cold water and pat dry.
The most appropriate steps to prevent acne from appearing is to diligently clean the face. Acne is sometimes difficult to remove, especially if it is caused by hormonal factors or excess oil production. In this case you have to be patient and keep trying to find the right solution to eliminate acne on face. The cost for traditional treatment is much cheaper and certainly more natural compared to chemical drugs now. Similarly, 10 type of traditional natural remedies to get rid of acne permanently , for maximum results apply the method of the above treatments every day to clean the face as well as treat acne. Hopefully this article helpful and always remember to perform regular skin care and discipline in order to avoid acne skin.
Acne is a skin disease caused by clogged pores of the skin causing infection under the skin surface, so as to create pockets of pus that interfere in the face.
Currently there are two methods of acne treatment that is commonly used, the method of conservative form of chemical medicine and traditional methods for the provision of herb / natural remedy derived from plants that have efficacy rid of acne naturally and permanently.
Many people who had spent a facial treatment that does little but the creature called acne nonetheless appeared and became very annoying because it is difficult to remove.
Improper handling of acne can create scars on the face.
In addition to its low cost, natural remedy like this are usually far more useful than the pharmaceutical drugs sold in pharmacies.
Your skin is your best friend, you love it and be proud of it, so you do a lot of care to protect your skin beauty. Until one day a pimple appeared on the skin of your face is delicate, and suddenly you feel hate your face, you feel to be the world's ugliest.
What do you do if you face a sudden breakouts ?
Does using chemical drugs that can be bought in pharmacies ?
What is the use of certain cosmetic products to disguise the small ulcers ?
or are you using a natural remedy in the form of traditional herbs to get rid of acne bully it ?
Everyone has a different way to treat the skin disease. In addition to traditional and conservative way, there are also several types of homeopathic medications are used to treat acne naturally. And for those of you who are interested in knowing how to cure acne naturally, here are 10 traditional natural remedies that you can use to get rid of facial acne permanently.
1. Apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural cure most qualified to remove stubborn acne on the face. The main capabilities of apple cider vinegar is to kill the bacteria that cause infections in the face. Nature apple vinegar base, excellent in balancing the pH conditions of the skin, which in turn will inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Material : Unfiltered apple cider vinegar, Clean water.
How to use :
First wash your face with clean water and dry. Then dip the cotton into the vinegar and rub the area to facial acne. Leave for 10 minutes then rinse your face with water until clean. Repeat this method several times a day. Use a moisturizer afterwards if you feel that your skin becomes drier.
2. Cinnamon and honey.
2 of these ingredients does not seem suited to eliminate acne because the honey is sticky and hot wood. When in fact cinnamon and honey are a couple very potent natural remedy to eliminate acne on face.
Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria quickly. And if bacteria infect the skin already the honey is the right medication due to its nature as natural antibiotics.
Material : 2 tablespoons honey &
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon , paper towels.
How to use :
Rinse your face with clean water and dry. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and mix well until it forms a kind of pasta. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for more than 10 minutes. Rinse taste and pat your face dry. Because pasta was very sticky then use a paper towel to dry face.
3. Milk and honey.
Although some discussion refer to milk can cause the appearance of acne on the face, but many other studies also proved the role of milk or yogurt to get rid of acne naturally. Even Cleopatra queen of Egypt is famous for its beauty and the beauty of the skin because milk bath treatments that often she did. This is because the acid in the yogurt is anti-bacterial and fat can keep the skin moist.
Material :
1 tablespoon low-fat milk or yogurt (except skim milk),
1 tablespoon honey.
How to use :
Allow the milk or yogurt in a room temperature that is not too cool on contact with the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of milk / yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed and then make a mask on the face to dry , then add it to your face until at a certain thickness to your taste pretty. Let this process lasts for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your face mask with a soft cloth in a circular motion that aims to get rid of dead skin on the face. After completion moisturise the face if your skin becomes very dry.
4. Egg whites.
The egg white is the most natural and easiest to cure acne as well as eliminate acne scars are stubborn stains. Egg whites contain proteins and vitamins are very high which is useful for building skin cells die quickly. Egg whites also absorb excess oil, which means the excess before it can be minimized so that the bacteria are also increasingly difficult to develop. To prevent skin becomes very dry, use a moisturizer after this natural acne treatment methods.
Material : 2-3 egg whites (separated by yellow), bowl & soft cloth.
How to use :
Rinse your face with water that is clean and dry. Separate the egg yolks with the white. Beat the egg whites until frothy and let stand for a few minutes. Apply egg white on the sebum (sebaceous gland) using a finger as a whole and focus on areas with acne. Wait until dry and reapply as many as three to four times. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
5. Papaya To Eliminate Acne Misbehaving.
Papaya fruit is one type of fruit that is widely used in beauty products today. The good news is you don't need to buy each one of these products to get the benefits. Create your own and use papaya to cure acne naturally.
Papaya can eliminate dead skin cells excess lipid layer on the surface of the skin and make it look soft and smooth. Lipid is a term common to fat that is the origin of the formation of oil. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain which is useful to reduce inflammation and help prevent the formation of pus.
1 Prepare fresh papaya fruit.
Rinse your face with clean water and dry. Mash the papaya flesh until smooth and then apply to face evenly. Leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse your face with warm water.
Facts about acne
Acne, known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. This skin disease generally occurs during puberty when the body produces sebaceous (oil) in excess amount.
6. Orange peel.
Oranges have always been known to be very beneficial to the skin, which can be rejuvenate the cells and make the skin so fresh. Acne is caused by bacteria that infect the dead skin cells that clog pores, with vitamin C contained in citrus, the new cells can grow rapidly. Pasta orange peel that has been processed can be used to get rid of acne naturally.
Material : 2 oranges , Clean fresh water.
How to use ;
Rinse face with water first, then drain. Puree orange peel using a blender or pestle and then add a little water and make a kind of pasta. Once you've got the ideal mixture apply to face for 20-25 minutes. Then, rinse your face with clean water.
7. Tea Tree Oil.
The benefits of tea tree oil has been known since a long time and are used as an alternative treatment. In general, tea tree oil is used as a medicine to treat skin especially acne. Tea tree oil works by dissolving the sebum (Sebaceous gland) and dead skin cells so that no infection below the skin surface.
In addition, tea tree oil also has antibacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that cause acne and prevent infection. This oil is used topically to the face and not swallowed.
Material : 1 small bottle of tea tree oil , clean water,& cotton balls.
How to use :
Wash your face first, then drain. Dilute the tea tree oil by mixing it with water at a ratio of 1: 9 (1 drop tea versus 9 drops of water). Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and then apply to the face with acne.
8. Mask Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) To Eliminate Acne Scars.
This substance is also known as baking soda, as an acne medicine, this substance is very remarkable in removing acne is mild or severe. Sodium bicarbonate has antiseptic properties that can kill fungi and bacteria and is able to drain the excess oil.
Material : A box of baking soda, water clean.
How to use :
There are two ways to make the substance sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as the acne-busting drug that is making a face mask (scrub). If you want to make a mask, a box of baking soda mixed with water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the face in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Let stand for 15-20 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water and dry.
To scrub, mix half a cup banking soda with 1/8 cup of water. Apply the resulting paste to the face, then massage gently and slowly. After 5-6 minutes, rinse your face with warm water and dry.
9. Avocado And Honey.
There are many myths about acne develops in the community one of them is eating avocados can cause acne because the fat content in it. Yet so far there is no concrete evidence to prove the relationship between acne with avocado. And even vitamins and nutrients in avocados can help dislodge stubborn acne, especially if you have skin types including sensitive. Combine avocado with honey face mask will be very good as a natural cure acne.
Material : 1 avocado, 1 tablespoon honey.
How to use :
Rinse the face first, then drain. Remove the avocado flesh, crush and mix together 1 tablespoon honey. Mash the dough until it forms a paste and apply to face, especially in areas with acne. Let's face for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water and pat dry
10. Refresh Face With Mint Leaves.
Mint contains menthol, which works as an anti-inflammatory and natural pain relief. Mint will not cure acne but can help eliminate the effects of facial flushing caused by acne as well as relieve swelling due to a severe infection.
Material : fresh Mint leaves
Rinse and wash face with water and pat dry. Crush the mint leaves in a blender or mash until smooth. Rub mint had been mashed into your face and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then the last rinse with cold water and pat dry.
The most appropriate steps to prevent acne from appearing is to diligently clean the face. Acne is sometimes difficult to remove, especially if it is caused by hormonal factors or excess oil production. In this case you have to be patient and keep trying to find the right solution to eliminate acne on face. The cost for traditional treatment is much cheaper and certainly more natural compared to chemical drugs now. Similarly, 10 type of traditional natural remedies to get rid of acne permanently , for maximum results apply the method of the above treatments every day to clean the face as well as treat acne. Hopefully this article helpful and always remember to perform regular skin care and discipline in order to avoid acne skin.
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