Hypertension (High blood pressure) - Health Sciences


High blood pressure (Hypertension)

High Blood Diseases

High blood pressure or hypertension is characterized by persistent blood pressure which, from the systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure were reached above 90 mmHg. For the elderly population, the high blood pressure or hypertension is defined as systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg.

Hypertension can be caused due to several risk factors. Some risk factors that can increase the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure is :

- Due to diet to lose weight.
- Consumption of excessive salt intake.
- Stress
- Race factor
- Obesity or overweight.
- Smoke.
- Due to genetic factors & the sympathetic nervous system.
- Balance modulator vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
- The effect of local autocrine with a role as renin.
- Angiostensin and also aldoteron.

The patients with hypertension at risk of experiencing an increase in blood pressure to turn into high blood pressure. And those who have blood pressure between 130-139 / 80-89 mmHg in all his life so they could have a two times greater risk of experiencing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases as compared to lower blood pressure. For those aged over 50 years, systolic blood pressure over 140 mmHg which is one of the risk factors that could be important for the occurrence of cardiovascular disease than of the diastolic blood pressure. And then the risk of cardiovascular disease will begin to take place at a pressure of 115/75 mmHg, then will increase each increase of 20/10 mmHg reach.

Hypertension can cause a damage to organs. Either directly or indirectly, which also can be about the heart, brain, kidney, and peripheral arteries, and also part of the eye. Several studies conducted said that the cause of organ damage had been passed from the direct result of an increase in blood pressure section of the organ, or also as a result of the effects that occur with indirect , and between the presence of antibodies automatic angiostensin II ATI receptor, oxidative stress, which starts down-regulation of the expression of nitric oxide synthase, and others. And other studies carried out also proved that high-salt diet and also the level of sensitivity to salt which has a major role in the body of the emergence of a damage in target organs , for example, damage to the blood vessels that occur as a result of an increase in expression. transforming growth factor β.

Diseases due to Hypertension

Some risk factors as a result of high blood pressure is :

- Hypertension for more than 55 years of age and women over the age of 65 years.
- For those who smoke.
- Those who are overweight or obese.
- Physical Inactivity.
- Dyslipidemia.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Microalbuminuria is less than 60 ml / min.

If you have the opportunity to develop high blood pressure then you should do the management of blood pressure if you have a risk like this :

~ Keep eating well
You should always choose the type of food and beverages with a high nutrient content and low in sugar, fat and salt.
~ Stop smoking and smokers should stop being passive or also not too often exposed to cigarette smoke.
~ Exercise regularly.
Active move is one thing that is very good and also do exercise at least 20-30 minutes every day.
~ Restrict and if you can stop the intake of alcoholic beverages.
~ Keeping the weight in order to remain in the normal state by exercising regularly and maintaining a good diet.
~ Limiting foods that contain salt, such as not eating snacks with excessive.
~ Handle stress well.

Stress can cause the body to produce chemicals that eventually resulted in the narrowing of blood vessels and the heart will throb with firmer.

How to cope with high blood pressure by making the implementation of good lifestyle, usually will greatly affect blood pressure who have a very good implications for the prevention or treatment of hypertension also. Promotion of health in the form of modifying lifestyle is highly recommended for individuals with pre-hypertension as well as one additional drug therapy for individual patients with hypertension. This intervention is one form for the risk of heart disease by thoroughly. Although the impact of this intervention is not for the risk of blood pressure then it will be more noticeable in people who suffer from high blood pressure , experiments carried out in the short term, decrease of body weight, and also the reduction of salt intake has also been shown to help prevent high blood pressure. even if such intervention does not produce a decrease of blood pressure numbers sufficient to avoid drug therapy , Also the amount of drug or dose of medication needed to control blood could be reduced.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms of high blood pressure is a sign or characteristic of the disease is high blood pressure. This disease can be experienced by anyone, for those who can not maintain good health condition and properly. How to cure this disease is by using herbal ingredients, which in this treatment, no side effects at all. In addition there are also some causes that can cause the disease to appear.
One reason is because of the drink. This drink such beverages containing alcohol and caffeine, such as carbonated beverages or coffee
Therefore, you should avoid or distancing of patients with hypertension or high blood pressure. Who generally drink is what can trigger the symptoms of high blood pressure is to come and appear. And you can also use a prescription from a doctor to cure high blood pressure. But if you use a prescription from a doctor to cure high blood pressure, it will cause side effects.

High blood pressure can be called with hypertension. And other causes of high blood pressure, can be caused by several factors. And these factors are genetic factors. This factor is heredity, that if you have symptoms of high blood pressure that is caused by genetic factors, it is very difficult to be cured. Therefore, you must be smart to maintain the health condition of the body or bodies properly, to avoid the disease of hypertension, which in essence this disease, can be dangerous if not addressed or dealt with the action or the proper handling and faster by avoiding High blood meal.

This disease normally be experienced in adulthood, around age 18 and over. In addition to the symptoms of high blood pressure, there are also foods cause high blood pressure, how to prevent, how to cope, how to avoid, and signs as well as the characteristic feature of this high blood. One way to prevent this disease is by regulating food intake patterns and by not eating foods that can cause this disease appears. Additionally, you can also set a healthy lifestyle by exercising routine and regular, to avoid the disease is high blood pressure.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

In addition to penryataan listed above, there are some symptoms of high blood pressure is. And the symptoms are :

- Often feel a headache.
One of the symptoms of high blood pressure are able to feel a headache. These headaches can be caused by anyone, and are not limited by age or age though. Usually, the disease these headaches occur, due to lack of adequate rest. This is what can lead to hypertension or high blood appears. Therefore, you should be able to maintain good health condition and properly, to avoid this disease, which is essentially a disease, can be dangerous if not addressed or dealt with actions or proper handling and fast.

- Frequent nosebleeds.
One of the symptoms of high blood pressure are frequent nosebleeds. Nosebleed occurs, due to prolonged fatigue factor, as a result of the activity or activities of daily living are very dense. Nosebleed is a disease that bleed from the nose and these symptoms can be experienced by anyone, for those who can not maintain the health conditions for yourself. This is what can lead to hypertension come and appear.

- Often feel nauseous.
One of the symptoms of high blood pressure is often prolonged nausea. Nausea can occur due to delay in eating, which eventually can lead to colds.

High Blood Disease In Adults

Of course you all already familiar with high blood pressure or hypertension, high blood pressure in adults often experienced by many people from antiquity to the present. High blood pressure is one of the diseases caused from not eating well and make blood pressure rise within oneself be more improved than normal blood pressure. Never underestimate high blood pressure because if left alone can be dangerous for a person who experienced it, if you are one of those people who have high blood pressure or hypertension should start the moment you try to lower, because high blood disease can recur at any time without expected.

Although many people who have high blood pressure or hypertension but many people underestimate the disease, This disease can cause several symptoms that certainly if you have these symptoms, you will feel pain and discomfort , indeed today many sell some drugs to lower high blood pressure, but you should be careful in consuming high blood pressure lowering drugs. If you are not right in choosing a drug could be high blood pressure that you experience will be more severe and it would be dangerous for yourself.

How to Reduce High Blood Disease In Adults Naturally

Child pick a back / leafflower ( Phyllanthus urinaria )

A powerful way to lower high blood pressure is to use natural ingredients leafflower ( meniran ). you can make the drug itself by using natural materials this way is very convenient and also practical. First you prepare the leaves leafflower then you wash the leaves and then you mash until smooth, then you add a little water and then filter the water you squeeze the leaves leafflower. Drink the potion routinely and regularly every day for 3 times, if you drink the potion with regularly high blood pressure you are experiencing will soon go down and your blood pressure will be normal like others.

- Noni ( Morinda citrifolia )

Other natural ingredients that you can make drugs to lower high blood pressure is the noni , no doubt that noni is one of the most nutritious plants to cure various diseases dangerous one is high blood pressure in adults or hypertension. Noni has active ingredients that can lower a person's blood pressure naturally, the way you prepare noni ripe noni then you wash it clean. Noni already you can clean your scar then squeeze and strain water, the noni water you can drink three times a day to help lower high blood pressure you are experiencing.

- Celery ( Apium graveolens )

You can use celery as a way to lower high blood pressure, Celery is best used to lower blood pressure so this method is powerful enough to do at home. The way you prepare celery taste then you wash, after that you boiled celery that has been washed using two cups water, boil until the water remains into 3/4 cup. After that you refrigerate the mixture, if it is cold you can drink twice a day. Don't forget to do this by way of a regular routine and if high blood pressure you want to get better and recover.

Some natural ingredients above is effective to help lower high blood pressure , if you have problems on high blood pressure, you can try some of the recipes above home. If you do all of these measures properly and regularly, the high blood pressure that you experienced will soon recover. High blood pressure in adults is a disease that is quite dangerous, so it requires extra patience to heal. Basically you have to perform a variety of restrictions that can cause your blood pressure can rise rapidly , many foods that can make a person's blood pressure to rise quite drastically, so you should be careful in consuming a variety of foods every day if you want to really heal.

High Blood Diseases When Pregnant

High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause problems for pregnant women and their fetuses. For the women these problems can include kidney damage, stroke pain and headaches. For babies, high blood pressure in expectant mothers can cause reduced blood flow to the placenta, so that babies born smaller or occur Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR).

If you suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy, then before you have to carefully monitor blood pressure during pregnancy. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist in internal medicine (internist) or family doctor to help control your blood pressure.

Some high blood pressure medications during pregnancy is safe to drink during pregnancy, while some other drugs do not. If you are planning a pregnancy, consult each drug you take to treat high blood pressure and safety of the drug with your doctor.

High blood pressure during pregnancy essentially caused by heredity, environment and emotional instability. Usually in pregnancies over 30 weeks, approximately 30% of pregnant women will experience a rise in blood pressure, but no symptoms. In addition, about 20% of pregnant women experience increased blood pressure, may be accompanied by murky urine (urine protein) and edema (swelling). The increase in blood pressure can be accompanied by headaches, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and impaired vision.

Symptoms And How To Prevent High Blood Diseases

Many opinions that say that a person suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension generally show symptoms such as nosebleeds, facial flushing, fainting, headache, nausea, feel like vomiting, restlessness, quick to anger or irritability, shortness of breath , and eyes began to blur or obscure.
In the chronic condition of a person who has high blood pressure can have an impact on poor conditions until death. This is caused by swelling of the brain that makes the blood vessels in the brain become blocked and the blood vessels in the brain become squeezed as a result of abnormal blood pressure or unstable (high blood pressure).

Those who have the risk of hypertension or high blood generally exhibit symptoms, such as 

– Back of the head often feels pain when moving riser.
– Often forget and then have difficulty in concentration.
– Irritable and angry.
– Sometimes difficulty in sleeping.
– Body feel tired, fatigue and lethargy.
– At some have sometimes there are difficult to defecate.

When hypertension has not been attacked, you should be careful. High blood pressure or hypertension is attacked in those who have other complications of the disease which facilitate easy entry and other diseases complicate our health space.

Here are some efforts to be made as a precautionary measure of high blood pressure, among others :

1. Lose weight.
For those who are overweight, should lose excess weight so that the risk of hypertension as a result can be minimized.

2. diligent exercise
Those who have a high risk for high blood pressure or hypertension is always advisable to do a little exercise, but routine to help normalize blood pressure, especially for heart function, so that the heart has always trained and able to pump blood and oxygen optimally , so high blood pressure can be controlled.

3. Manage stress well.

Many public perception, people are often angry certainly have high blood pressure. This assumption is not always wrong or right. When blood pressure increases, some people with high blood pressure may be experiencing turmoil or emotional changes. Therefore, manage stress well is the best way to avoid high blood pressure.
Hypertension or high blood pressure means that there is high pressure in the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. Thus, high blood pressure is not excessive despite the emotions that this condition could trigger a rise in blood pressure.

Blood pressure is considered normal at the rate of 120 / 80mmHg. Blood pressure between 120 / 80mmHg and 139 / 89mmHg called prehypertension. More than 140 / 90mmHg is considered hypertension. By using a tool called tensimeter, we know how high or low blood pressure. Figures systolic (top) indicates the pressure inside blood vessels when the heart contract and pump blood into the arteries. Figures diastolic (bottom) shows the pressure inside blood vessels when the heart is at rest.


WHO (World Health Organization) classifies hypertension by age

1. 20-30 yrs age group, blood pressure> 150 / 90mmHg.

2. 30-64 yrs age group, blood pressure of 160 / 95mmHg.

3. The age group> 65 years of age, blood pressure> 170/95 mmHg.

Initially, the increase in the diastolic is considered more important risk factor than systolic. But the assumption is then indisputable. At the age of 50 years, an increase in systolic describe greater risk. The only way to determine whether there is hypertension by measuring blood pressure. Therefore, hypertension does not have symptoms that can be seen by naked eye.

Threats hypertension must not go unpunished. High blood pressure is very dangerous and scary, because it has many complications if not controlled. In fact, many untreated hypertension.

WHO says, half of people with hypertension are known to only a quarter (25%) who received treatment. While hypertension who were treated with either only 12.5%. In fact, hypertension causes damage to organs such as the kidneys, heart, liver, eye to paralysis of the organs of motion.

How to Overcome High Blood Diseases

Most of a person suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure did not show significant symptoms or visible , but increasing blood pressure increase will begin to show symptoms that can be felt and sometimes the symptoms are felt more weight.

The general characteristics of a person who has high blood pressure is :

1. Often forgotten and sometimes difficult concentrations.
2. Back of the head often feels pain when I wake up.
3. Sometimes insomnia.
4. Feeling irritable and sensitive.
5. Often feel uneasy.
6. Sometimes have difficulty in defecating.
7. Frequent nosebleeds.
8. Body feel tired and fatigued.
9. The eye becomes blurred.
10. Nausea and always wanted to vomit.

In conditions of severe, sometimes high blood pressure patients will experience changes in organ function, such as swelling of the brain which can lead to stroke, kidney damage and cardiac function.

When hypertension or high blood pressure has not been attacked, you should be careful. The hypertension generally occur from complications of an existing disease which then will increase our health and the narrow space.

Prevention of high blood pressure

Here are some tips or ways to treat hypertension as a precautionary measure, including :

1. For those who are overweight, should be lowered to the ideal limit.
2. Change your diet and unhealthy lifestyle.
3. Reduce consumption or excessive use of salt.
4. Stop consuming alcohol and smoking.
5. Always seeking to exercise every day at least once a week.

The most dominant factor that can lead to hypertension is diet and activity of the body. Low-salt diet, cholesterol and saturated fat is the most important element to be implemented. For a healthy diet, we must eat a balanced diet that is obtained from various sources of food.

Here is the source of nutrients that can be met from a variety of sources of food, such as ;
~ Sources of carbohydrates, such as grains.
~ Source of animal protein, such as fish, poultry, white meat, egg whites, low-fat milk.
~ Source of vegetable protein include beans and legumes as well as processed products.
~ Source of vitamins and minerals, such as vegetables and fresh fruits.

The aim of this healthy diet to lose and maintain a healthy weight, so it is recommended to balance calorie intake with total energy needs and limit their consumption of food containing high calories. In addition, in order to undertake enough physical activity to achieve a good physical fitness.

High blood pressure, or better known as hypertension or elevated blood pressure and blood pressure is above normal. Hypertension or high blood pressure is directly related to heart disease. Hypertension caused by heart work too hard and fast in pumping blood and oxygen to disseminate throughout the body.

If the blood vessels in tissues throughout the body thickened and reduced elasticity, then the body will try to increase the pressure of the heart so that the blood supply lasts normal. However, this will only make things work faster and the heart becomes damaged which can lower the work function of the heart.

High blood pressure would cause the risk factors that heighten the risk of hypertension, among others, the following ;

1. Ancestry.
2. Age.
3. Weight.
4. Salt consumption.
5. Race
6. Diet and unhealthy lifestyle.
7. Sports activities.

Hypertension can also be triggered by stress on ourselves. The amount of daily salt intake comes from food and lack of rest is a risk factor for developing hypertension. Therefore, for those who always have a heavy burden of thinking, should multiply the entertainment so that the brain can be more fresh. In addition, we also need enough rest every day and familiarize themselves with foods that do not contain much salt.

Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is a lifestyle that can increase high blood pressure. Obesity is a potential to increase the occurrence of raising blood pressure higher than the ones with body weight and ideal chubby body.

Another thing that can cause hypertension is :

1. Kidney disease, such as :

a. Renal artery stenosis.
b. Pyelonephritis.
c. Glomerulonephritis.
d. Tumors of the kidney.
e. Chronic Kidney Disease.
f. Blunt kidney trauma (wounds on the kidneys).
g. Light therapy are on kidney.

2. Hormonal diseases :

a. Hyperaldosteronism.
b. Cushing's syndrome.
c. Pheochromocytoma.

3. Medications, such as :

a. The use of drospirenone.
b. Corticosteroids.
c. Cyclosporine.
d. Erythropoietin.
e. Cocaine.
f. Alcohol abuse.
g. Cinnamon (a very large number).

4. Other causes, such as :

a. Takayasu's arteritis.
b. Preeclampsia in pregnancy.
c. Acute intermittent porphyria.
d. Acute lead poisoning.

Hypertension does not directly kill the patient, but it raises many serious diseases. In other words, complications of hypertension that is actually a lot of death in the sufferer. New hypertension in knowing when it has led to organ disorders, such as cardiac dysfunction, coronary, renal, impaired cognitive function or stroke. Hypertension will basically reduce the life expectancy of sufferers.

Based on the cause, hypertension can be divided into two types, as follows :

1. Hypertension Primer.

Primary hypertension has no known cause so therefore also called essential hypertension. An increase in cardiac work due to the narrowing of peripheral blood vessels . Most (90-95%) of patients including patients with primary hypertension.

2. Secondary hypertension.

Secondary hypertension is caused by other systemic diseases, such as hormonal disorders (gushing), narrowing of the main blood vessels of the kidneys (renal artery stenosis), kidney disease (glumerulonefritis), and other systemic diseases such as lupus nephritis.

Number of secondary hypertension is less than 5% of the adult population in America.
In addition to the above two types of hypertension, also known condition called hypertensive crisis.

a. Emergency Hypertension.

Hypertensive emergency is where the blood pressure exceeds 180/120 mmHg with organ function, such as the brain (cerebral hemorrhage / stroke, encephalopathy hypertension), heart (acute left heart failure, acute coronary heart disease), lung (pulmonary dam) and eclampsia. May lower blood pressure of 180/120 mmHg with organ disorder symptoms above the obvious arising. If blood pressure is not lowered immediately can lead to complications that persist. Therefore, should be reduced by injections that works quickly in a few minutes or up to 1 hour.

b. Hypertension Urgency.

Very high blood pressure (> 180/120 mmHg), but there are no symptoms as above. Blood pressure should not be lowered quickly (within minutes), but it can also be in a matter of hours to days with oral medication. Symptoms include vertigo, nausea, vomiting, dizziness / drifting, blurred vision, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, severe anxiety disorders, but there is no target-organ damage. Patients with hypertensive urgency can also be given oral therapy that works faster, such as captopril, labetalol, or clonidine with the observation that weight.

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