Blood Cells - Health Sciences

Red Blood Cell Function And White Blood Cells In Humans

The circulatory system or transport system is an organ system that play a role in the transport of nutrients and metabolic waste from the body and into cells. Blood plays a vital function for the body, every organ system in the body will interact with the circulatory system. Humans have 4-6 liters of blood flowing in the body. Approximately 45% of blood constituent is blood cells. There are two major classes that make up the blood plasma, red blood cells (erythrocytes) and white blood cells (leukocytes). Both played major roles in the body. The following review of the functions of the two cells :

Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) - Oxygen carrier

Erythrocytes is a component of blood cells that have the most percentage. Every cubic centimeter (cm3) of human blood contains 5-6 million red blood cells and about 25 trillion cells in 5 liter of blood in the human body. Amazing! Red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen from the respiratory system to cells throughout the body. Red blood cells have no nucleus and mitochondria. This is an adjustment to the red blood cell function itself. Red blood cells contain 33% compound hemoglobin, a protein that plays a role in binding of oxygen. Hemoglobin binds oxygen to form compounds oxy-hemoglobin. hemoglobin will also bind carbon dioxide waste , but just a little carbon dioxide bound by hemoglabin. Most carbondioxide is carried by the blood plasma in the form of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). Carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, have a stronger bond and settled compared with oxygen. Therefore, it will disrupt the process of transporting oxygen to the body. The absence of cell nucleus aims to provide more space for hemoglobin compounds that will maximize the binding of oxygen. While the absence of mitochondria in red blood cells causes the provision of energy in the red blood cells obtained through without oxygen anaerobic. This is very advantageous, because the oxygen is bound by red blood cells remain in the maximum amount, because it is not used by red blood cells itself. Other adjustment that is the size of a very small red blood cells, red blood cells have a diameter of about 12µm (1µ= 10-6m). With a very small size this will maximize the binding of oxygen. The smaller the size of red blood cells, the more oxygen that can be transported. Red blood cells have a biconcave shape, hollowed in the middle that makes the red blood cell surface area increases.

Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)- The body's defense

Leukocytes - in general, the function of white blood cells defend the body from the attacks of microorganisms or compounds that can cause instability body functions. So with this important function, leukocytes are not only circulated in the circulatory system, leukocyte cells will migrate out of the circulatory system to the body's tissues and into the lymphatic system to control the security body of the invasion of objects / alien. Leukocytes can be divided into two major categories, based on the type of granules in the cytoplasm of cells. Agranulosit is a group that does not have granular leukocytes in the cytoplasm, consisting of monocytes (macrophages) and lymphocyte. While the group of leukocytes granulocytes have specific types of granular cytoplasm inside the cell. Granulocytes groups distinguished by the shape and nature of granular core ( basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophils ). Overall cells and leukocytes would fight against pathogens that enter the body in various ways. The function of each of the leukocytes are very specific and will synergize to fight infections that enter, namely :

a. Neutrophils : act as phagocytes that a cell or pathogen-eating cells (bacteria) that enter the body.

b. Eosinophils : play a role in defense against worm infections which will trigger the inflammatory reaction.

c. Basophils
Basophils to release histamine which is a compound of an allergic reaction.

d. Monocytes also known as macrophages, which also will take a cell or pathogen compound ( protozoa and viruses ), besides macrophages also play a role in the destruction of cells that are old.

e. Lymphocytes
Lymphocytes destroy pathogens by antibodies generated (B lymphocytes) or dealing directly with cells (T lymphocytes).

White blood cells spend most of his time outside the circulatory system, patrol the body tissues and the lymphatic system where the battle against infections occur. The ability of the white blood cells migrate to penetrate the network is called diapedesis, strongly support the work function of white blood cells. Normally, in a cubic milliliter (mL3) human blood contains about 5000 - 10000 leukocytes.

Thus our explanation of the blood cells in the human body, and hopefully add to our knowledge about the medical world.

Read also ; "The dangers of hypertension (high blood pressure) ".

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