~ Aged 0-6 months
This is the main diet with breastfeeding or exclusive breastfeeding. At the age of 0-6 months baby's nutritional needs can be met from breast milk so it does not need to consume food or beverages in infants. This is because the digestion of children are still not perfect so that it will cause indigestion in children. Many benefits can be obtained with breastfeeding is a natural immunity acquired from breast milk and can also increase the inner relationship of mother and child. In regulating diet in children 0-6 months, namely direct breastfeeding when the baby is born, time and duration of breastfeeding can be customized with the baby and breast milk is sufficient for daily nutrition your child (age 0-6 months).
~ Age 6-12 months
The first feeding given to children that solid foods. Complementary foods given to infants breast milk in accordance with the age and maturity of the child's digestive tract. As for the diet early age that can be applied to children aged 6-12 months are already Kids can learn to sit, a strong hold of the neck and head. The efforts made to healthy eating aged 6-12 months is to give solid foods with texture and viscosity gradually. Provide age-appropriate so that the provision does not interfere with the digestive system gradually. You can give 1-2 tablespoons of food on the second day and then the portion added in the next days. Let your child know how to eat and that is no less important is the observation that trigger food allergies in children.
~ Age 1-3 years
In children aged 1-3 years had been active even curiosity already high. In children aged 1-3 years have a hard characteristic eating even a child's appetite tends to fluctuate. Children can consume foods in portions that much then tomorrow becomes slightly. In addition, children aged 1-3 years only please one food alone, is what makes parents worry about the nutritional needs of children are not being met. Diet for children aged 1-3 years is to create a pleasant environment so that food can make a child's desire to rise. You can give a warm meal with portions not too much, then give the opportunity to learn to eat independently. In addition, children aged 1-3 years are more likely to choose foods that are preferred so as to avoid the tendency to obey like a certain food types.
~ Age 4-6
In preschool children need calories to reach 85 kcal / kg weight. So that in children aged 4-6 years with the characteristics of decreased appetite and more interested in playing with friends surrounding environment. As was done to establish healthy eating patterns in children aged 4-6 years is to provide diverse food. If your children tend to eat small amounts often given in amounts 4-5 times though try to introduce the correct meal times (morning, afternoon, evening). You can give solid food snacks are interrupted when breakfast towards lunch and when lunch towards dinner.
~ Age 7-12 years
At the age of school children more have wider social environment so as to spend more time playing with the theme. School-age children are often influenced by an unhealthy diet because already familiar with the food in the neighborhood (snacks). Even has a desire to try unfamiliar foods through media. Even children who tend to choose certain foods tend to be reduced due to the curiosity of diverse food nevertheless parental role while maintaining a healthy diet for children. Efforts should be made to implement a child's diet is to explain mealtime is good and right to maintain their health. Give sense to not snack at random and suggestions bring their own lunch to school. Maintaining the nutritional value of foods that contain good to support the growth and development of children.
Causes of eating disorders in children
Disturbed child's diet can be caused by psychological factors and health problems such as an infection or congenital disorders experienced by children. Although mild infections but if affects the child's diet, it will cause serious health problems. Here is the cause of the child has an eating disorder :
- The child has thrush
One of the causes of canker sores child is difficult to eat and even sometimes accompanied by body temperature rises. Cause of canker sores can come from trauma or fungus. Children who have disorders of the mouth, canker sores so that the child will have difficulty chewing hard to eat until many days.
- Wormy
Children who have worms is when the number of worms in the digestive tract much so that the stomach becomes distended and bloated. Worms collected will cover the digestive tract so that when the food intake will be vomited back even the food intake will eaten by worms. As a result, children become lost nutrients needed by the body, visible lack of appetite and weight gain did not increase with age.
- Hand and foot disease
Mouth and throat of children experience changes with the onset of rash and cause children to lose appetite. One symptom of the disease of the hands and feet is a condition of your child's body upward and experienced nodules in the mouth and throat that interfere with eating children. Diet For Healthy Kids Healthy Babies is good for your Kid's.
- How to maintain healthy skin baby.
- How to make children smarter and stronger.
- 10 signs that a child will be smarter.
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