Herbal Treatment of Diseases farsightedness For Elderly | Close myopic

Close myopic or hypermetropia is a type of eye disorders that cause the sufferer can see objects from a distance with perfect, but the view is blurred when viewed closely spaced objects. Also known as farsightedness or hyperopia plus eye. Technically, hypermetropia is a condition in which parallel rays coming into the eyeball, with no influence of accommodation, the focal point falls behind the retina. Hypermetropia is more visual impairment due to decreased ability of the eye muscles and nerves.

• Complaints that occur in people with nearsightedness
Patients farsighted in general are elderly people who have experienced a decline in visual function. In addition it is because the function of the eye muscles and nerves that have been dropped, hipermetropi patients also experienced some of the complaints are often felt in everyday.
Here are the complaints experienced by patients hypermetropia :

- Patients experiencing headaches when viewed at close range for too long
- Uncomfortable looking to do a focus for a long time
- Blurred close viewing distance
- The views will be blurred when viewed at close range with a long time. If the level was already high hypermetropia will blur viewed at close range.

• Prevention
Farsightedness occur because ball-shaped eyes is shorter than the normal human eyeball.Moreover, because it is an optical system that works on the eye refractive power shortage. It is for people who have aged the aging process that occurs naturally. This will happen when patients experience changes in the ability to see at close range. It is almost natural by everyone over the age of 40 years. In the eyes of the elderly, the crystalline lens power deficiency of elasticity so that the eye lens into a convex shape. Prevention of nearsightedness is quite difficult to do. Given this is a process which generally occurs in normal human. Especially for those who have a professional driver or sailor in general the experience faster hypermetropia process in general. Precautions of this disorder can be done by maintaining eye health from an early age and consume a variety of nutrients that support eye health. It also can do therapy with traditional materials

Traditional herbs for patients with nearsightedness

Nearsightedness can be in therapy using traditional ingredients. This herb can use lemon and honey. The trick is to dry the beans with lime and then pounded until smooth. Then the results of these collisions in brewed with hot water and honey. To maintain the cleanliness of the patient's eyes can clean the eyes with water jasmine. You do this by soaking the jasmine flowers in water overnight. Then the soaking water was used to clean eye ( once a day to do this ).

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