Migrain Pain | Natural Treatment of Migraine Pain

One of the most common diseases suffered by people is a headache. This disease often occur without obvious symptoms. Scientifically, the disease is called cephalagia. This is a condition where a person will experience pain in the back of their head from the neck to rise to several other parts. Modern society is now pleased to utilize Traditional headache medications. Some people also suffer from what is called cluster headaches are often accompanied by pain in the eye problem. Migraine is a type of headache that also quite popular.

Why Choose Traditional Medicine Headache?

Selection of herbal remedies for headaches are also very diverse and has become something that is believed by many people to cure their disease without any risk at all. Before that, we also need to understand some of the causes of headaches. The most common causes are mental shock or stress. Routines are too busy, work pressure, as well as personal problems are often the reason behind stress that ends with a headache. Even the pungent odors that could have made people become exposed to risky headache problem. Some people can not stand certain smells.

People who use herbal medicine headaches are those who want to avoid the problem of side effects from the herbal medicine. Generally, the solution how to overcome the pain  headcaches with a visit to the doctor to get on any medication which can be used to overcome the problem of headaches. There are some drugs that contain chemicals and cause health problems. In this case, selection of herbal medicine will be a way that can be more useful. There are many herbal potions headaches that have been handed down for generations.

Traditional medicine Headaches

There are some herbs that have long been applied as a method of relieving headaches. Here are some of them:

Lime leaves
Lime leaves until finely ground. Collision lime leaves was then inserted into the container and mixed with water. Then, apply in some parts such as the forehead or shoulder to relieve pain and headache in the body. The best way is to rub on the temples and the nape of the neck and shoulder.

Kale leaves
Kale leaves can also be cooked or eaten as fresh vegetables.

Water stew of green beans
Water stew of green beans are also very believable to overcome the problem of headaches. Besides the delicious taste, green beans water can have a positive effect on the health of the body and in fact will provide relief to the headache.

Read also :
- Coronary Heart Disease.

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