Dyslexia A Learning Disorders in Children

 Dyslexia is a learning disorder that is experienced by the child in terms of reading and writing. Children with dyslexia see writing as mixed, making it difficult to read and hard to remember. In people with dyslexia is not an interruption to the level of intelligence. Dyslexia is more common in boys than girls. Dyslexia can also be found along with other disorders, the disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity or also known as attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),language disorders, hearing disorders pronounce the word correctly and allergies to certain foods or beverages.

Causes Dyslexia
Causes dyslexia appearing in the development of nerve cells, which can not be found the cause of disturbances in the central nervous system. The exact cause of this type of dyslexia is not yet known.

~ Genetic factors be risk factors for dyslexia. Parents with dyslexia have the possibility have the boys with dyslexia by 40%. Based on the results of the study, in people with dyslexia disorders found abnormalities in the left brain that regulate the function of language.

~ Dyslexia is obtained due to other diseases, which is caused by damage to the central nervous system. Examples of diseases that may arise is stroke, trauma or severe collision on the head. This acquired dyslexia can be caused by a disturbance in vision systems, or due to disruption to other systems so understanding and or pronunciation of the words may be disrupted.

Symptoms of dyslexia
In people with dyslexia disorder, the symptoms of which can be found is difficult to be able to read fluently. These symptoms may be found when patients start into school and began learning to read. Often, teachers and parents thought that only people with less practice reading that is not smooth and wrong in reading. In fact, despite reading difficulties still experienced by patients have been taught how to read well. In addition, patients also often make mistakes in reading the questions given that the value is not that great. In people with dyslexia disorder, there were no disruptions to the level of intelligence, there were no disturbances to vision, there is no disruption to the hearing, and physically fit. Along with the increasing complexity levels of learning, dyslexia symptoms will be more visible. However, these disorders have not been widely recognized that patients are often considered impaired to the degree of cleverness or lazy to learn. Until now, it has been found several tools to be able to identify and filter out patients, even for children who had not yet reached school age.

Treatment of dyslexia
Until now, there is no treatment that can be used to treat and eliminate interference dyslexia. Dyslexia will suffer a lifetime. Dyslexics need to learn to recognize his weaknesses and strengths of each in reading and using it to help overcome reading difficulties. Patients with dyslexia and learning techniques require programs tailored to the needs of patients. In addition, learn together in a group with combined with an interesting game to help keep people want to learn to read and the activity of so much more enjoyable. Patients should not be discouraged, because dyslexic does not mean stupid or useless. Some famous people are also known to suffer from dyslexia, which Thomas A Edison who is the inventor of the light. In addition, parents of sufferers also need to understand what is perceived and experienced by sufferers. Another thing that can be done is counseling by experts on parents, siblings, and patients. The whole family will sit together to recognize dyslexia, discuss questions and problems that arise in everyday life and are looking for solutions that can be done. What often happens is that the family is still difficult to accept, reject, scared, and angry when a member of his family who was first diagnosed with this disorder. Support families of patients can have a positive effect on children and improve the ability to read people. The frustration felt by the patient should be known as early as possible because if too late can cause behavior disorders.

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