Learn, know, understand the psychology of infants to the elderly
Feeding is done with breastfeeding or with special industrial milk. Babies have a sucking instinct, which makes them able to take milk from the breast. If the mother can not breastfeed, or unwilling, infant formula is used. In some countries there are hire nurses to breastfeed the baby.
Babies are not able to regulate the disposal of faeces and therefore is used diapers.
Toddler is one man after infant age period before the child early. Toddler age range starts from two to five years, or used in the calculation of the age group 24-60 months, ( This age period is also known as preschool ).
Child Psychology
Physical development decreased weight gain, especially at the beginning of toddler. This happens because the toddler uses a lot of energy to move.
Psychological Development
There is a change quite dramatically from psychomotor ability toddlers begin skilled in movement (lokomotion). Started training gross motor skills such as running, climbing, jumping, rolling, tiptoe, holding, throwing useful for managing and maintaining body balance attention span. At the end of the period toddlers, fine motor skills of children also began trained as holding, writing, drawing, using a pincer movement that holds objects using only the index finger and thumb like holding stationery or pinching and holding a spoon and shoveling food into his mouth, etc.
Rules In infancy is the time to do exercise self control or commonly referred to as (toilet training). Freud said that at this age people start practicing to follow the rules through the process of detention desire to defecate.
At this age period understanding of the object has been more stable. Toddlers understand that the hidden object still exists, and will know of the existence of these objects if the process is to hide it been seen by them. However, if the process of removal of an object is not visible, toddlers do not know the object. Toddlers will look at the last place he saw the object. Therefore, the simple magic game, a toddler is still difficult to make predictions hideout magic object.
• Toddler language skills grow rapidly
In the early period is two years old toddler vocabulary of the average toddler is 50 words, at the age of five years has been over 1000 vocabulary. At age three children began to talk with a simple sentence contains three words and began to learn the grammar of his mother tongue.
Example,Toddlers Age 24-month sentence :” thirsty, drink ".
Toddlers Age 36-month sentence :” I am thirsty to have a drink ”.
• Social and Individual
At this age period children start learning to interact with the social environment outside the family, in early infancy, playing together means jointly located at a place with a peer, but not together in one interactive game. At the end of infancy, playing together means doing activities together with the involvement of the rules of the game and the division of roles. Toddlers begin to understand themselves as individuals who have certain attributes such as name, gender, began to feel different from others in their environment. Drastic ego development mechanism to differentiate itself with other individuals are characterized by a high ownership of the goods other people's personal and very significant, so that at this age children can be difficult to share with others. Process of differentiating themselves with others or individuation also cause a child at the age of three or four years into the negative period as a form of exercise for an independent.
- Education and Development
How to learn who performed at preschool age through play as well as stimuli from the environment, especially the home environment. There are also education outside the home learning activities were more programmed and structured, although not always better.
• Play
Role play, train the ability of social understanding, for example: school games, doctor-medicine, house-home, etc. Imagination games train the ability of creativity of children. Games motor, motor skills coarse and fine. Rough motor example: spider web, the game bar, game balance etc.
Fine motor skills: writing, coloring, bribe.
• Early Childhood
Early childhood lasts from two to six years. This period is said to preschool group because at this age children learn the basics of social behavior in preparation for higher social life required for adjustment at the time of entering first grade primary school.
• Later Childhood
Late childhood or childhood school lasted from 6 years old to 12 years old. Kohnstam hereinafter called childhood or past the end of this school children with intellectual future, where the children are ready to get education in schools and development centers on the aspects of intellect.
As Erikson emphasizes this period as a time of the emergence of a "sense of accomplishment" in which children at this age feel ready to accept the demands that may arise from others and implement / finish demands. These conditions would make children who have entered the era of harmony to school.
• Puberty
Puberty is a period of overlap Because include the later years of childhood and early years of adolescence. Namely the age of 11.0 years or 12.0 years to 15.0 years of age, or 16.0 years. Criteria that are often used to determine the onset of puberty is the first menstruation in girls and wet night in boys.
~ There are four major body changes during puberty :
• Early Adulthood
Adulthood is the most important period in the life period, this period is divided into three periods :
- Early adulthood from age 21.0 years to 40.0 years of age. Mid adulthood, from age 40.0 years to 60.0 years of age. and a final or advanced age, 60.0 years of age to death.
Early adulthood is a period of stability and livelihood of the reproductive period is a period that are full of problems and emotional strain, social isolation period, the period of commitment and a dependence, changes in values, creativity and adjustment to the new lifestyle.
• Middle Adulthood
This middle adulthood lasts from forty to sixty years. The characteristics of the personal and social concerns at this time, among others :
√ Middle adulthood is a period of the dreaded.
√ Middle adulthood is a period of transition, where men and women leave the physical characteristics and behavior of adult life and entered a period in the life of the physical characteristics and behavior of the new.
√ Middle adulthood is a time of achievement.
According to Erikson, during this middle aged people will be more successful or otherwise they stop (stagnation) .In this middle adulthood greater attention to religion than before, and sometimes the interest and attention to this religion based on personal needs and social.
• Later Adulthood
Advanced age is the period covering the life span of a person. This period starts from the age of sixty years until death, which is marked by the change in the physical and psychological decreasing.
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