Simple Tips To Avoid Diabetes

Diabetes or diabetes melitus is a disease that become frightening society today, many causes that can trigger diabetes. One is the unhealthy lifestyle. Diabetes alone in causing insulin does not function normally and also cells in the body can not respond to insulin itself, the Insulin hormone helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.
Here's how to avoid diabetes :

1.Reduce Weight

In addition to making you a good body shape, fitness or any sports activity that can lose weight will also make your body healthy. A study has found that the body is formed, the less chance of developing diabetes. Do sports such as cycling, running and swimming. This activity will burn the sugar in your blood and Will keep you from diabetes.

2.Get Enough Sleep

If you often stay up and just sleep for a while, try to reduce these habits. Because according to a study, if you sleep less than 6 hours at night particularly at risk of developing diabetes. Try to sleep for seven hours so that your body has enough time to rest.

3.Consumption of Dietary Fiber

One of the causes of diabetes are food sweet. If you just eat them, immediately ko fiber-rich fruits such as pears. In addition, you can also add brown rice for this sugar diet. In addition, you can also add brown rice for this sugar diet.

4.Avoid Stress

Stress was found to cause various diseases, diabetes is no exception. When we are stressed, our body secrete sugars. Sugars is what can cause diabetes. So, try to relax, do not be too stressful. You can reduce this stress with meditation, relaxation or listening to music.

5.Consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in some kinds of fish such as salmon and sardines. Eat at least one serving a week. This can improve the working substance in charge of maintaining your body so that no diabetes.

6.Consumption of Vitamin D
It has been proved by a study that if you consume enough vitamin D, diminishing the chances of getting diabetes.

7.Consumption of Spies

Type spice suggested here are cinnamon, as also effective in reducing the likelihood of diabetes. Cinnamon can also improve the performance of insulin. You can eat them with your meal with a sprinkle of cinnamon or mix into your food recipes.
Diabetes is one disease that is feared. However, also included in the disease that is quite easy to prevent, by doing things on top.

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